
Where To Start Reading The Bible For Beginners?

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  • Post category:Bible Studies
  • Post last modified:April 22, 2023
  • Reading time:17 mins read

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What is the Best Book of the Bible to Start Reading?

Where to start reading the Bible for beginners? What is the best book of the Bible to start reading?

Welcome to my blog. My name is Leroy Daley and on this website, I utilize the scriptures to explain the scriptures.

I teach Bible studies that are motivated and directed by scriptures, using scriptures here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept.

Precepts must be on identical precepts or else we will have confusion.

Today, I want to assist you to determine which book of the Bible is the best place to start your reading.

I also know that you want to get to that place of confidence and understanding when it comes to reading any book of the Bible.

In order to get you to that place, I’m suggesting seven actionable tips that you could take to aid you in understanding and getting to that place of confidence in your Bible reading.

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7 Tips to Help Beginners Decided Where to Start Reading the Bible?

First, what is your why? Establish your reason, your motive, for reading the Bible. Second, knowing your why for it will inform your journey. Third, acquire a Bible reading plan. Fourth, start at the beginning. Fifth, choose a book from the library. Sixth, identify your favorite character and seven follow your passion.

#1). Know Your “Why”!

So let’s start with why. Number one, Why? What is your why? What is your motive for reading the Bible?

Everyone doesn’t have the identical motivation.

For example, if you want to refute creation, where you start and what you read would be different from a person who is seeking to know more about salvation.

If you’re reading for entertainment, it’s totally different from if you are reading to inform yourself and to know more about the word.

#2). Your “Why” Will Inform Your Journey

So why are you reading the Bible? Do you want to teach the scriptures? Do you want to be a Minister?

Is it for personal purposes? Whatever your motive is, it will direct where you start reading the Bible.

So having established your why this will now direct where you begin reading the scriptures.

If you are interested in reading the Sabbath, finding more about the Sabbath, it’s good to start in the Old Testament, then move on to the New Testament.

So your motive for reading the Bible will guide what you read and where you start reading.

#3). Start at The Beginning

The third thing I want you to do is to start at the beginning, start in Genesis. The later books are built on earlier books.

So Exodus is built on Genesis, Numbers is built on Exodus, Deuteronomy is built on Leviticus, and so on and so forth.

So later on in your reading, when you encounter a character, a place that you read about in the earlier books, you’ll be better able to understand and relate to it at that time.

This Book Will Help You

The book of Genesis will also assist you to form the correct biblical self-portrait.

The Lord wants us to know who we are in Him and our place in his creation. That is one of the reasons for Genesis.

Adam was made in the image of God. He was made to have dominion over all of God’s creation except his wife.

Yes, it’s only after he sinned he got authority like that. Now, when he died, when his living soul died, he lost that.

But when we are born again, we regained all that Adam lost. We also gain dominion in this world and over the creation of God.

So when we know who we are in God, we know it through reading Genesis, then we’ll operate differently.

So reading Genesis helps us to establish our identity in God. Start in Genesis.

God Made Us Homo Sapiens

We are not here because of some evolution of selves over the years and we’ll evolve until we are homo sapiens. No!

The Lord made Adam an adult. The Lord didn’t make Adam a baby and he grew to be a man.

The Lord made him an adult. So we are who we are in Christ because God had structured this, he orchestrated it, he started it and He did a deliberate thing in us and in creation.

#4). Bible Reading Plan For Beginners

Next, I want you to utilize a Bible reading plan. Now, a Bible reading plan is a structured reading throughout the entire year or it can be for a month, but I want you to use an annual reading plan from January through to December.

It will help you to read through the entire Bible in a year. This is important if you are interested in reading your Bible because you should know your major tool, the Bible.

You should know it, from cover to cover. You should read it more than once. It will help you to know the material and at this stage, you’re not really studying the Bible.

At this stage, you’re not really learning much. But you are familiarizing yourself with the Bible and what it’s like and how it functions and the style of the Bible, the dominant style of the Bible.

All these things are important at the start, to help you to understand later what the Bible is about.

#5). Choose a Book From the Library

Next, I want you to choose a book from the library because the Bible is a mini library.

The Bible is a mini-library of 66 books, 39 of them are in the Old Testament and naturally, 27 are in the New Testament.

Now, which book are you going to start reading?

#6). Identify Favorite Bible Character

To assist you to decide which book from the library you’re going to choose, you could do two things.

One, and this is the sixth point, choose your favorite Bible character. Is it Moses? Then you will start reading in Exodus 2.

Is it Jesus? You might start reading in Matthew. Is it Abraham, David, Samuel, or is it Apostle Paul?

If it is the latter, then you’ll know too that you will start in (Acts 7:58).

At that time he wasn’t Apostle Paul, but he was Saul. So, if you utilize your favorite Bible character, then I want you to follow this person through the scripture from conception to death or from conception to ascension, in the case of Jesus Christ.

That will help you in deciding where you’re going to start reading the Bible.

#7). Follow Your Passion

Another strategy to assist you to choose the place to start reading is to follow your passion. Which topics are you passionate about?

Are you passionate about the death penalty, abortion, homosexuality, the Sabbath, salvation, divorce?

Whichever of these topics you are passionate about? I would suggest that you use the Bible, research these topics, from Genesis through to Revelation, because they will not occur just in one place.

They will be scattered right throughout the Bible. Research them and that will help you in deciding where to start.


7 Top Strategies to Help Beginner Christians Decide Where to Start Reading the Bible

I’m going to conclude right now. So where should I begin my Bible reading? These are my top seven strategies to help beginners, Christians, decide where to start reading the Bible.

First, establish your motive for reading the Bible. Second, your why should direct your reading.

Third, start in Genesis. Fourth, use a Bible reading plan. Another way to help you decide where to start reading your Bible is to choose a book from the 66 books of the Bible.

And sixth, in choosing a book, utilize your favorite character as a guide and also make use of your passion for a particular topic.

Where Should a Beginner Start in the Bible?

There’s no wrong or right answer as to where in the Bible you should start. No one book of the Bible is more important than another.

Every book of the Bible has a distinct function and purpose and place in the library of the Bible.

So, we cannot really separate one book and say, this book is easier and this book is more important than another. It doesn’t work like that.

This is one of the ways the Bible is different from all other books. Because taken as a whole, all the books are relevant and important. But taken separately, they are equally as important as the entire Bible.

Best Place to Start Reading the Bible — One Recommendation

The book of Psalm is not easier to understand than the book of Proverbs. Neither is Revelation easier to understand than Ezekiel.

Once you learn the concept of understanding the Bible, you will find that each book or each chapter will pose its own challenges.

But it’s not a matter of easier or harder. Once you master it, you will be able to understand any book you find yourself reading.

So any place that you choose to start your Bible reading, is a great place.

Any place, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, Old Testament, New Testament, The Psalm, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon, anyplace.

I only have one recommendation, be consistent in your reading, read every day.

Don’t read today and then next week you read again, read every day. Be consistent and in closing, I recommend that you purchase a paper Bible.

Who Needs a Paper-Bible?

Yeah, paper Bible. Where’s my Bible? My Bible is outside. You need not just an electronic one.

You could have an electronic Bible, but purchase the Thompson Chain Reference King James Version of the Bible also.

Purchase a Thompson Chain Reference King James Version of the Bible. I know this is contrary to the current trend where everybody has an electronic one on your phone, on your tablet, or on your computer, but it’s good to have a paper version of the Bible and I chose King James and I recommend King James for specific reasons and these reasons I will explore in my next video.

Thank you guys for stopping by that’s all for today. I hope you enjoy this Bible study and we’ll catch up next week, God-willing.



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Leroy A. Daley

Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.