They Received the Word of God With All Readiness of Mind

Importance of Our Attitudes to the Word of God

The brethren in Thessalonica had different attitudes to the Word of God from those in Berea. And they differentiated them in a remarkable manner.

In summary, our attitudes toward the word of God are important. They determine whether or not we access and enjoy our redemption that Jesus Christ purchased.

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Hear The Parable of the Sower

The Parable of the Sower takes the prize as Jesus’ most controversial parable! Is this parable about the seed or Sower, or is it about both, or could there be a third option? Jesus teaches the Parable of the Sower to the Jews but explains it only to his disciples. Let’s look at the facts of this parable then we will examine the interpretation or meaning of it that Jesus provides.

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