Receiving The Holy Ghost Through The Laying on of Hands – a Thing of The Past?

The Doctrine of laying on of hands has extensive applications in the Church. One of which is the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Ghost.

It’s a common practice to lay hands in churches. We lay hands to bless, in ordination, the dedication of a baby, "healing services", to pray and so on.

Even the routine of laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit is commonplace.


The Word of Wisdom

I am going to show from scriptures, how the word of wisdom is different from the word of knowledge. How do you identify it when you heard a leader speaks the word of wisdom?


Defining the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Updated:- Monday, November 6th, 2023 Defining the Name of the Lord Let's define the name of our Lord. According to Dictionary by Merriam-Webster, a name is “a word or phrase…

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How To Guard Your Heart As A Christian?

Updated:- Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023 What Does It Mean To Guard Your Heart? Today, I'm going to talk about how to guard your heart as a Christian.   As Christians, if…

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Filled With the Holy Ghost Vs. Full of the Holy Ghost

What Does It Mean to be Filled With the Holy Spirit? The Holy Bible uses two different terms to explain an identical state, for, it utilizes filled with the Holy Ghost and full of the Holy Ghost to explain the condition of a Believer being pregnant with the Holy Spirit. Both these terms refer to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. But, why, in each case, “filled” is in the past tense? The biblical answer will surprise you. Join me as I explore Scriptures.

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Do I Need The Interpretation of Tongues if I am Speaking in Tongues at Home, Alone?

What does the Bible say about the interpretation of tongues? Now, in order to address this problem, we are going to look at what Apostle Paul taught the Corinthian Church. The interpretation of tongues is not a skill, it is a gift from God, it’s a gift of the Holy Ghost. If you possess this gift, you will learn about it only by using it. You will learn from experience and from listening to the Holy Ghost.

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How To Be Born Again?

Welcome to my blog. I'm all pumped up and ready to go. I have a very exciting topic I want to discuss with you today, How to be born again?…

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The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

The Godhead – I Don’t Understand it!

What is the Godhead? Recently, I received an email from one of the readers of BATW concerning the Godhead. In part, she writes “I don't believe the Holy Ghost, the…

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