Why Is There Persecution Against The Church?

As a Christian, have you ever been persecuted for your beliefs in Jesus Christ? What is persecution against the church and why does it happen? These are some of the questions that I will answer in this Bible study. So, when we talk about persecution against the Church, what are we talking about? Persecution against the Church takes on various forms, but irrespective of how it materializes it always possesses a unique feature and objective. Thus, persecution against the church is any law or action that intends to harm, hurt, oppress or restrict its operation in some way. That’s what I mean by oppression against the Church.

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I’m Ready to be Baptized to the Right Church

Therefore, to sum this up, if you believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you have identified a unit of people who teaches and practices the principles of Jesus Christ and his Twelve Leaders, then you are ready to be baptized and you have also identified the body of Christ.

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