What Did Stephen Preach About Jesus Christ?

As a result, this too was the only significant thing that Stephen preach about Jesus Christ.  However, he made a heart-wrenching comparison between the Jews' attitude to Moses and their behavior toward Jesus Christ.  In his last sermon, Deacon Stephen accused the Jews of betraying and murdering the Just One, who is, Jesus Christ, instead of listening and obeying him as Moses advised them.  Before, their forefather had rejected and refused Moses as a leader and a deliverer over them. Finally, as Stephen preach about Jesus Christ, what infuriated the Jews the most? Was it his declaration that he was having a vision of heaven and of Jesus Christ? Or, was it because of their guilty consciences? They stone him to death for this!


Deacon Stephen Tells a Story

Deacon Stephen continues to narrate the history of the Children of Israel to the religious people of his time. He plans to take his story to the point where he could preach Jesus Christ, the Son of God to them. Today, let’s continue with our Book of Acts, Bible Study as the first deacon, Stephen, continues to preach Jesus Christ to the Jews. Our major Bible reference is Acts 7:8-18. So, naturally, Deacon Stephen starts his account with their forefather Abraham. As a result, he tells us that God “gave [Abraham] the covenant of circumcision: and so Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs” (Acts 7:8).