The Gift of Faith

What is the Difference Between Faith and The Gift of Faith? In the past weeks, I’ve been teaching on spiritual gifts. Today, I will continue this trend because I will look at the gift of faith. This faith is different from the faith needed to receive salvation; the faith we utilize to believe in Jesus Christ; because we must be saved to receive this faith. This faith is for born-again Believers. If you stick with me to the end, I have a bonus just for you. So let’s dive right into it.

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The Discerning of Spirits

To possess the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits is to know or to recognize, to identify, or to differentiate or distinguish spirits. We are dealing with spirits, when we can know them, identify them, distinguish them, then we are able to discern spirits.

Gifts Of Healing or Gifts Of Healings?

Gifts of Healing Vs. Gifts of Healings

This week, we are going to look at the gifts of healing. We have been looking at spiritual gifts over the past weeks. Why is the gifts of healing plural? We start at (1 Corinthians 12). Paul addressed two groups of church leaders. He started out by focusing on individual administrations of spiritual gifts. Then he shifted his attention to corporate administrations of spiritual gifts, and specifically, we are dealing with gifts of healing today. If you are interested in watching the video of this Bible Study, click this link.