He Who Destroyed Them Who Called on Jesus Christ

Today, I shall explore how he who destroyed them who called on Jesus Christ is now preaching that which he opposed and destroyed!  Would you easily accept as a friend a person who you know has destroyed some of your friends?  This was Saul of Tarsus' predicament when he returned to Jerusalem first as a Christian.  Today I'm going to investigate how God could turn our enemies into our friends. If this is your first time here, hi I am Leroy, I hope this will be time well spent.  I am traversing the Book of Acts through weekly Bible study.  Now, I am at Acts 9:20-31.  In the last Bible study, I explored Ananias’ encounter with the Lord and Saul's meeting with him.   I showed what Ananias did and how it affected Saul and how his behavior chan

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How To Be Born Again?

Welcome to my blog. I'm all pumped up and ready to go. I have a very exciting topic I want to discuss with you today, How to be born again?…

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Meet for Repentance – Fruits or Works Worthy of Repentance?

Bring Forth "Fruits" Meet For Repentance

Entrance into the Kingdom of God is the same for all nations. It doesn't matter whether we are Jews or Gentiles because we all must repent and turn to God.

And all must do works appropriate for repentance. In other words, our actions must indicate the transformation we have been through.

Note that the Bible didn't say, bring forth therefore, "fruit" meet for repentance.

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Because Saul Teaches Jesus Christ is Son of God Disciples let him Down a Wall in a Basket

The opportunity to preach or teach Jesus Christ as the Son of God is never far from us.

All of the early disciples experience this. The First Century Church experienced persecution for this sole reason. They preached and taught that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

And when [Saul] had received meat, he was strengthened. Then was Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus,” (Acts 9:19).

Now it’s Saul of Tarsus’ opportunity to turn the tables. He consented to the death of Stephen as he preached Jesus.

However, he is about to begin his apostolic ministry by doing the identical thing. He too shall preach that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. What does this mean, that he is the Son of God? 

And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God,” (Acts 9:20).

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