How Prayer and Fasting Play a Crucial Role in Living Victorious Christian Lives?

Could you live as a Christian without prayer and fasting? What is the importance, if any, of fasting and praying to Christians living around the world today? Join me as I explore these and other questions relating to prayer and fasting. I will examine when and why the members of the First Century Church dealt with it, and how contemporary Christians could emulate them to lead triumphant Christian lives.


Leroy A Daley Explains Fasting And The Immutable Biblical Truths We Should Embrace And What Christian Women Must Know Concerning this Spiritual Discipline Some Call Intermittent Fasting

However, let’s coordinate our definitions. To the remainder of the world, fasting may be many things but to the Believer in Jesus Christ, it’s unchangeable in nature and purpose. The former group often thinks of fasting as a trend; a pattern of eating or just another weight management tool. But to the latter, we observe it as a specific and spiritual duration away from all foods and drinks and while seeking God through prayer, separation, and purpose. It has always been a spiritual activity. Thus, the people who practiced it have always been spiritual.


The Parable of The Prodigal Son & Christians

This phrase, the prodigal son is very popular with everyone but especially with Christians. The Parable of the Prodigal Son may be one of Jesus’ most famous parables mentioned in Scripture. It not only explains how the Lord focuses on the lost souls, but it also makes clear how and why Christians should receive and socialize with unsaved people. Although above, I wrote that the Parable of the Prodigal Son is mentioned in Scripture, that is not quite true.