How Does Faith Work?

Faith Needs this to Work Lately, we have been examining faith. We have investigated what is faith and whether everyone has faith in God. But today let’s answer this question:…

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What is Faith in God?

Assessing Our Faith Towards God

These days many people talk about faith but few mention our faith towards God! As we commence this discussion on this subject, let’s agree on one thing. What does the Bible mean when it speaks about faith? Immediately, many Christians will start quoting Hebrews 11:1.

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The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

The Godhead – I Don’t Understand it!

What is the Godhead? Recently, I received an email from one of the readers of BATW concerning the Godhead. In part, she writes “I don't believe the Holy Ghost, the…

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I’m Ready to be Baptized to the Right Church

Therefore, to sum this up, if you believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you have identified a unit of people who teaches and practices the principles of Jesus Christ and his Twelve Leaders, then you are ready to be baptized and you have also identified the body of Christ.

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What Could the Healing of Publius’ Father Informs us About Sickness and Diseases?

While on Melita, Publius’ father experienced the healing of a deadly disease through Apostle Paul. But what could this teach us about our wholesomeness? So, as we continue with Apostle Paul on his fourth missionary journey, we will explore how Believers should handle healing.

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Could We See the Lord Jesus Christ in Everything?

Lord Jesus Our Provider The Lord Jesus Christ is about to reveal to Apostle Paul that he "must" appear before Augustus Caesar. He must preach Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God to him. And nothing will prevent him. Apostle Paul continues to navigate his fourth missionary journey, but he had recently experienced shipwreck and he was washed up on an island unknown to him.

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Meet for Repentance – Fruits or Works Worthy of Repentance?

Bring Forth "Fruits" Meet For Repentance

Entrance into the Kingdom of God is the same for all nations. It doesn't matter whether we are Jews or Gentiles because we all must repent and turn to God.

And all must do works appropriate for repentance. In other words, our actions must indicate the transformation we have been through.

Note that the Bible didn't say, bring forth therefore, "fruit" meet for repentance.

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