The Tale of Barnabas and Saul Apostles of Jesus Christ
Barnabas and Saul - Barnabas Chief Preacher In the Bible, we read a lot about Paul and Barnabas, but they didn't begin with the former being the main speaker of…
Barnabas and Saul - Barnabas Chief Preacher In the Bible, we read a lot about Paul and Barnabas, but they didn't begin with the former being the main speaker of…
Why Did Jesus Use Parables? Jesus didn’t speak in parables generally, but he did teach in them when he was addressing the people. In other words, he didn’t speak in…
Today, I want to look at what exactly is the diversities of tongues gift of the Holy Ghost? Many people have problems with this gift. What really is it? What does the Bible say about it?
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Updated:- Thursday, August 24, 2023 How to Repent - 7 Steps to Repentance On the Internet, the topic of how to repent has become little more than a farce. However,…
Main Causes of Repentance? Ninty five percent of Christians today confuse the causes of repentance with the result of it! The causes of repentance are not opinions but the Word of God. Therefore, putting all opinions and religious prejudices aside, let’s explore biblically, what are some of the causes of repentance? Regardless of how we feel about repentance, know for sure that we cannot repent autonomously on our own. I have examined what is repentance and will not duplicate that effort here? Repentance is intricately tied up with sins and forgiveness. Therefore, in dissecting the causes of repentance we must examine their relationships and inter-relationships.
Is your knowledge and understanding of the resurrection of the dead coming from popular works of fiction? Sci-Fi movies like “The Walking Dead” and “Resident Evil” and others attempt to utilize science to explain the resurrection of the dead. Is Science Capable of Explaining the Live Again Experience? They attribute the resurrection of the dead to particular strains of viral infections. They desire to demonstrate that viruses cause the dead to live again! However, the genuine resurrection of the dead is not scientific. It’s spiritual! It’s the work of the Lord God.
Prayer of Repentance in the Bible? Is repentance a prayer; is there such a thing, in the Bible, as a prayer of repentance; who makes it; where to find it,…
Today, I will explore the lessons we could learn from Hannah’s Prayer of Supplication. But at a later date, if the Lord is willing, I shall also investigate the lessons from her other prayer. In this respect, let’s observe her behavior in three areas as she prays. These include her emotions; vow, and her manner of praying.
Jesus teaches us three things concerning the Sabbath. First, he's greater than the temple. Second, he is merciful to others even on the seventh day, the Sabbath day. Finally, the Sabbath day serves him, because he is Lord even of the Sabbath day. The seventh day was made for him and not him for the Sabbath.
Who is the Sabbath For? Is the Sabbath for everyone or just for the Jews? Even if you are not an Israelite, you should keep the seventh day holy, because…