Ash Wednesday – What Does the Bible Say About It?

There are many religious practices that many so-called Christians perpetuate that are not biblical, Easter and Ash Wednesday are two such.

Here are three things about Ash Wednesday that we need to know. It’s not biblical; it’s not a day of repentance and Jesus never mentioned it.

It's a great and grave deception that Ash Wednesday "is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting."

Which Bible character observe it? Which Scriptures show this? And why didn't Jesus observe Ash Wednesday?


I Agree Jesus Christ is the Lord – Which Famous US President said those Words?

Today, many people all over the world are still contemplating whether Jesus Christ is the Lord or not. But there is at least one US President who openly agrees that Jesus Christ is the Lord. How about you? Do you know the Lord? Many people received salvation, but still, they don’t know the name of the Lord.

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What Did Stephen Preach About Jesus Christ?

As a result, this too was the only significant thing that Stephen preach about Jesus Christ.  However, he made a heart-wrenching comparison between the Jews' attitude to Moses and their behavior toward Jesus Christ.  In his last sermon, Deacon Stephen accused the Jews of betraying and murdering the Just One, who is, Jesus Christ, instead of listening and obeying him as Moses advised them.  Before, their forefather had rejected and refused Moses as a leader and a deliverer over them. Finally, as Stephen preach about Jesus Christ, what infuriated the Jews the most? Was it his declaration that he was having a vision of heaven and of Jesus Christ? Or, was it because of their guilty consciences? They stone him to death for this!

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Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is There Any Difference?

Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is there any Difference?

At first, I refrained from entering this debate on whether there is any difference between the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit.

However, since the Word will judge every person because of his or her attitude to Him and the Holy Ghost; therefore, there must be a distinction in names; hence Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit.


Who Will be in the Rapture?

Updated:2022-03-29 Will Everyone be Caught-Away? Before, we established what is the taken. But today, let’s examine if everyone will be in the rapture! Who will participate in the caught-up of…

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