Receiving The Holy Ghost Through The Laying on of Hands – a Thing of The Past?

The Doctrine of laying on of hands has extensive applications in the Church. One of which is the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Ghost.

It’s a common practice to lay hands in churches. We lay hands to bless, in ordination, the dedication of a baby, "healing services", to pray and so on.

Even the routine of laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit is commonplace.


Baptism With The Holy Ghost Is It Real?

Updated:- Monday, November 6th, 2023 Baptism With the Holy Ghost a Promise The baptism with the Holy Ghost is nothing new. Centuries before the Church started the Lord God promised…

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Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is There Any Difference?

Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is there any Difference?

At first, I refrained from entering this debate on whether there is any difference between the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit.

However, since the Word will judge every person because of his or her attitude to Him and the Holy Ghost; therefore, there must be a distinction in names; hence Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit.