What Is The Real Importance of Prayer – 8 Reasons?

So, daily prayers to God are important to prevent us from entering into the temptation of the Devil and prevent us from committing sins. Jesus also emphasized the importance of prayers when he taught his disciples to pray. There is absolutely no area of your life where the importance of prayer has not permeated. It affects every aspect of our lives. Nevertheless, prayer is one of the most effective methods Christians have to submit their hearts to God. Prayers must be voluntary and from broken or unhardened hearts for God to transform them. Jesus reveals one of the reasons Christians should pray. He says, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” Matthew 26:41

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Does Everyone Have Faith in God?

Where Does Faith in God Come From? Where do Christians get their faith from? The Source! We get our measure of faith from the Word of God. If we never listen to the Word of God then we have no faith in Him. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).

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Why Is The King James Bible The Word of God?

Today, there are many other versions of the Bible in circulation, so why is King James Bible, the word of God? Why is the Authorized Version of the Bible the true word of God? So at the end of this Bible study, I want you to realize that despite how the Bible started, how it was published and printed, what it experienced, it is indeed the version or translation of the Bible that the Lord is pleased with and that is key. If the Lord is pleased with it, that's end of story, no discussion, no debate.

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What Do I Need For A Bible Study?

Today, I want to look at seven things that we need to construct a Bible study, and I’m going in-depth with this. I have seven tips that I would love to share with you. First, we need to understand what is the Bible. Then we need a mindset to search the Word of God. We need time, internet connection, a searchable online Bible, a topic and something to say about that topic. These are the seven things I need for a Bible study.

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Bible Studies With Leroy!

An open letter to my blog readers. You all know that Bible Studies are my passion. So, I'm hoping that Bible Studies With Leroy will become yours.

Consequently, in an effort to share the Word of God, in this ministry that the good Lord God has given me, I have expanded my reach via a new YouTube channel.

I call it by my name, namely, "Leroy A. Daley".

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If Belief Alone Saves Then Why The Jailer Asked Paul and Silas, What Must I do to be Saved?

After we witnessed devils and demons worshipping El Elyon, the Most High God, now we are at a most controversial juncture. Namely, what must I do to be saved?

There are two aspects to receive the benefits of salvation. One, the section that only the Lord God can execute, and two, the part that we must do to be saved.

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