What All Christians Need to Know About a Parable and Why We Must Know Parables?

Parables are not just stories. They are essentially the dark sayings of the wise. Thus, they could also be a few choice words spoken by the wise. A puzzle is not new. It’s an old saying that has been told over and over for many years. Not everyone will understand a parable. In the New Testament, Jesus makes parables famous. However, there are several parables in the Old Testament as well. Other names for parables include puzzles, riddles, or proverbs.

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The Parable of The Prodigal Son & Christians

This phrase, the prodigal son is very popular with everyone but especially with Christians. The Parable of the Prodigal Son may be one of Jesus’ most famous parables mentioned in Scripture. It not only explains how the Lord focuses on the lost souls, but it also makes clear how and why Christians should receive and socialize with unsaved people. Although above, I wrote that the Parable of the Prodigal Son is mentioned in Scripture, that is not quite true.

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