Below you will find six steps you could utilize to teach you how to be ready for the rapture.
I must warn you that whether you are ready or not, or whether you believe or don’t believe in the Caught-Away that has no impact on the advent and the occurrence of the Gathering of the Saints!
The rapture will still happen.
Step 1 – Believe to be Ready For the Rapture
If someone asked you: “Are You Ready For The Rapture”, what would your answer be? Yes? No? There is no rapture?
Regardless of your response, to be ready for the rapture, you must be a Believer in Jesus Christ. And there’s no disobedient follower of him!
So, if you are not a Believer and you are not born again, this will be your first step to be ready for the rapture; accept Jesus Christ today. Believe that he is the Son of God. Believe in his name: Jesus.
The Rapture is for Whom?
How you become ready for the rapture comprises obeying Jesus Christ. Similarly, the motivation for being ready for the rapture also involves believing and doing his word.
So, you must be a Christian to be ready for the rapture. There’s no way around it!
The rapture is for Believers! Are you a Believer according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Church?
Step 2 – You Must do This to be Ready for the Rapture
- Therefore, your second step is to obey Jesus Christ concerning your salvation.
If you have been born again, according to the Words of Jesus Christ and his Twelve Leaders, your salvation is secured.
But, if you have believed and obeyed the dogma of some other person or persons concerning being born again, you have a problem.
For obeying only the teachings of Jesus Christ guarantees salvation. The doctrines of the Twelve are his teachings.
Now continue to obey him in other areas of your life, for if you believe in Jesus Christ you will obey him, (Romans 10:16).

Step 3 – Why Accepting this Promise of Jesus Makes You Ready for the Rapture?
- Next, accept and believe the promise that Jesus made.
For example, you must believe and have hope in the promise Jesus made to his Church in the verses below.
“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you,” (John 14:2).
The Twelve believed it. The First Century Church embraced it! So must we.
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also,” (John 14:3)
What Does it Mean to Get Ready for the Rapture?
We are not debating if he went back to heaven, for we know that he left. Now, if he left he is coming back. Consequently, we must be ready for his return.
Where the rapture is concerned there is no getting ready. You are either ready or not.
Be ready!
And this is not talking about the Second Advent of Christ but of his snatching-away of his ready saints.
Now, if we have that hope that Jesus is coming to receive us to himself then we will be ready for the rapture. And we will be waiting for him. But that’s not all that we will do. While we wait we will be…..
Step 4 – If You Don’t Grow in This Area You Can’t be Ready for the Rapture
- Increasing in the knowledge of God and Christ, (Colossians 1:10).
How? Read, study, observe, meditate, and retain the Word of God. Then do it! As we continue to do these things day after day we will grow in our knowledge of God and Christ.
And as we grow we must share our experiences with others. If we do this we will be ready for the rapture.
It’s crucial that we grow. We must not stop or fall behind in this spiritual journey toward the rapture, because only those who grow will be ready for the rapture. Stagnation is death.

Step 5 – How Maintaining Your Confidence Makes You Rapture Ready?
- We must grow, and maintain our confidence in Christ to the end.
“For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence [stedfastly] unto the end; (Hebrews 3:14).
I know some Believers may think that this refers to backsliding, but it does not.
While it is said, [Today] if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation,” (Hebrews 3:15).
This hope and confidence come from the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. And that he and he only can save us from our sins, if we believe in his name.
Are You Ready for the Rapture Yet?
Additionally, we must hold on to the certainty of his promise that he will come to get us to be with him. And the knowledge that we possess, concerning both Spirit and water baptism, has anchored our souls to our hope in him.
Having done all this, now we are ready for the rapture.
“But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end,” (Hebrews 3:6).
This hope comes from faith in this Son of God, and from confidence in obeying his words and from the knowledge that we have taken on his name and have received his power.
Step 6 – You Know You are Ready for the Rapture When You do this
Finally, wait! With the Lord, the ability to wait is crucial. He instructed his twelve leaders to wait for the initial outpouring of his Spirit, (Acts 1:4).
But we should only wait if we are believers; obeyed Jesus concerning our salvation; accepted and believed the promise he made; grow in the knowledge of God and Christ and maintain our confidence steadfastly to the end. Then, this is not a quiet or passive wait, but an active and vigorous one.
Having done all, then we are ready for the rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ. Now, we know how to be ready for the rapture, but what is the motivation for our readiness?

Death – Ready or Not Here I Come
In the middle of life comes death. If we died ready and waiting for the rapture we will participate in the First Resurrection. We will hear the call of God that Michael will awake all sleeping Christians from slumber (death).
However, if we die and we weren’t ready for the rapture, meaning we weren’t Believers in Jesus Christ or we rejected or utilized another method to be born again other than that which Jesus instructed us to utilize or we didn’t hold our confidence in the hope of him until we die, then we won’t make it in the First Resurrection. We would be lost forever.
Be Ready for the Rapture Before You Die
In closing, being ready for the rapture is the single most important decision we ever will make. Not only does it affect us now but our eternity and with whom. Will you spend it with Christ or Satan?
Further, since Jesus visited hell, there is no second chance
in the grave. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior today, and be ready for the
rapture to spend eternity with him and his saints.
Additionally, there is only one rapture. Here is a great resource get it!
Also, find additional details on the rapture in my new book: “The Golden Candlestick – The Seven Spirits of God“.
Jesus told the thief, ” Today you will be with me in paradise.”
There is no proof he was in hell that I can find.
Thanks D Mack for reading and commenting. One question for you, where did Jesus go soon after he made that comment?
You got the first part right friend. But I suggest you search a little more diligently maybe you will find something!
Or watch this video it could aid you …
Keep up the good job. Pleasure reading this.