what-will-president-elect-joe-biden-and-vice-president-elect-kamala-harris-bring-to- the-usa-and-the-world

What Will President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Bring to the USA and the World?

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  • Post category:Bible Studies
  • Post last modified:July 2, 2023
  • Reading time:12 mins read

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Swapping Black Dog For Monkey?

There’s a popular saying in Jamaica, “Don’t swap black dog for monkey”. The victory of President-elect, Joe Biden, and VP elect Kamala Harris is a superb representation of this Jamaican Proverb!

I am Leroy Daley of Blogging About The Word dot com.

On this blog, I teach Christians how to better understand the Bible. I utilize Scriptures to explain other relevant Scriptures.

I use Bible studies that utilize Scriptures to explain Scriptures, here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept. Precepts must be on other identical precepts or else we will have confusion and misunderstanding.

I had another Bible study prepared for this evening. However, with the new development in the leadership of the United States, I decided that I will comment on the change.

What will President-elect, Joe Biden, and VP elect Kamala Harris bring to the United States and the world?

If you would rather watch the video of this Bible study click this link.

Let us look at the presidency of Donald Trump. First, I’ll go to the scripture, Psalm 12, and the very last verse.

The Presidency of Donald Trump

It says, “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted” (Psalm 12:8), and nowhere this is true, more than in the United States in the past year or more.

We see an increase in racial injustice, white supremacy, innocent black men and women being killed by racist white people in authority, all because they are sharing the beliefs and ideology of their leaders.

Whatever their leader support falls right onto the rest of the country.

Even young white women were pulling guns on innocent black women for trivial things in parking lots in this country.

Many innocent black men were shot or killed by people who support the president’s beliefs.

Moreover, the dominance of evil groups like white supremacists and KKK was more prevalent than ever.

God exalted President Trump to the highest office of this country. He did this to demonstrate the caliber of leader that we need.

President Trump Lacks This Quality

Because of what he believes and supports many innocent people were killed and without legal consequences.

Because of his ideology, many innocent people were subject to violence and hate.

President Trump lacks this quality that this king, priest and servant and prophet of the most high God speaks about in the verse of Scripture immediately below.

The God of Israel said, the rock of Israel spoke to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God” (2 Samuel 23:3).

That’s found in (2 Samuel 23:3) and that was King David speaking to Israel at the twilight of his life.

He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God and that is what President Trump lacks, the fear of God, therefore God removes him from office.

What “Swapped Black Dog for Monkey” Means?

The Lord sets up one and takes down one. So the Lord removes him from office because he didn’t fear him.

However, his successor, President-Elect Joe Biden is the better of two evils because he’s not Christian.

No, he is not Christian; he is Catholic. His focus is on Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, instead of on Jesus Christ himself.

That is why I started out by saying, “We swapped black dog for monkey“, which means that we exchange one alternative for another of equal disrepute or undesirable nature. That’s what that means.

However, we have yet to see what President-Elect Joe Biden will bring to the plate. How will his leadership affect this country and the rest of the world?

He doesn’t follow Jesus Christ and he does not practice his teachings. So don’t have high hopes people, he is not a Christian.

Is President-Elect Joe Biden Christian?

He might even be worse than Donald Trump. So don’t expect anything different from him than you did from his predecessor.

Nevertheless, the Lord wants us to maintain hope that he is still in control. Why do I say this? Because the Scripture supports this, let’s look at Daniel 4:17.

The Lord says, this matter is by the decree of watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones, to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomever he will and setteth up over it the basest of men”(Daniel 4:17).

Have You Ever Seen The Appendages of The Lord?

What I want to tell you is that we might think that we elect and we vote for Biden, or we vote for Kamala, or we vote for President Trump. But really this is the Lord working through us because he is a Spirit.

He ruleth in the kingdom of men. He rules over all. So there is nothing that we can do except to accomplish His will.

It is His will to take down Donald Trump and his will to put up President-Elect Joe Biden. So, He rules in our affairs.

In other words, we are the Lord’s hands and feet and mouths and eyes because God is a Spirit. Don’t get it twisted.

Don’t Expect President-Elect Joe Biden to Do This!

God has a hand in everything that we do and experience or else He wouldn’t be God.

That’s controversial, I know, but I can explain it. I know it’s controversial, good or evil.

That is why it’s very important that you consider what you get involved in, consider what you become a part of.

So, the Lord gives the kingdom to whomever he will and he puts the basest of men in there, to show that He can do whatever He wants.

So, don’t expect Joe Biden to “rule with God“, but expect him to “rule with diligence” (Hosea 11:12; Romans 12:8).

When Will We Have Christians in The White House?

Finally, for 2024, I would love to see some young Christian leaders running for president and vice-president.

I mean real Christians. Not just Christians in quotes, but Christians who believe in Jesus, who believe in his name, and who have taken on his name.

Prayers For President-Elect Joe Biden

I’ve been praying for our presidents for a while now. I started out by praying for President Obama.

I even wrote a prayer about him and included it on atotheword dot com, my website.

And I wrote a prayer for President Trump, and I also prayed for President Trump and I added it to my blog too.

I will leave links to these prayers in the description below. Similarly, I shall be praying for President Biden or President-Elect Joe Biden soon to be president and I’ll also write a prayer for him and I’ll leave links of it in the description below.

Why am I doing this? To show how we pray for our leaders and to show that we should pray for our leaders, but more so to demonstrate what we should say, what constitutes our prayers?

Thanks for stopping by. God Bless you. Peace!.

Leroy A. Daley

Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. John Alexander Sheakley

    Several Pastors, several of my friends, and a few of my friends in other nations, misunderstand the media’s announcements of the “President Elect,” i.e., the media incorrectly announces the winner of the 2020 Presidential election.

    The media, Pastors, and anyone else, would be correct to state,
    • [We or I] project that the President Elect will be…
    • The media projects that the President Elect will be…

    Only Congress on or after January 6, 2021, can correctly declare the winner of the election.

    January 6, 2021: Joint Session of Congress to Count Electoral Votes and Declare Election Results Meets On January 6, or another date set by law, the Senate and House of Representatives assemble at 1:00 p.m. in a joint session at the Capitol, in the House chamber, to count the electoral votes and declare the results (3 U.S.C. §15). The Vice President presides as President of the Senate. The Vice President opens the certificates and presents them to four tellers, two from each chamber. The tellers read and make a list of the returns. When the votes have been ascertained and counted, the tellers transmit them to the Vice President. If one of the tickets has received a majority of 270 or more electoral votes, the Vice President announces the results, which “shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President.”

    John Alexander Sheakley

  2. Leroy Daley

    Are you for real?

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