
Jabez Prayer Captivates the World but What About This Petition Has Everyone Searching Google?

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Kevin Wants to Know – Uncle What’s Jabez’s Prayer?

Some time ago, in the recent past, one of my nephews, Kevin, asked me: “Uncle who is Jabez, and what is Jabez’s prayer?”

I gave him an answer from my knowledge of the Word of God concerning Jabez and the prayer of Jabez.

He appeared very satisfied with my response to his query.

Since then, I have not read anything or researched anything regarding either the Jabez prayer or Jabez himself.

But all that has changed.

So, Kevin, whenever you read this Bible Study, may you receive and believe this Word of God that the Holy Ghost gives me concerning Jabez’s petition.

Below you will discover the significance of Jabez’s petition to the Lord God and how you could have your prayers heard and answered as he did.

Who Is Jabez in The Bible?

The Holy Bible says little about Jabez; however, we are not without information concerning him.

We know his genealogy, his name, the motivation for his name, of his mother and of his siblings.

Jabez is a descendant of the tribe of Judah.

Like most Hebrew names his has a meaning.

His mom gives him the name Jabez, which means “Because I bare him with sorrow” (1 Chronicles 4:9).

This phrase means that she gives birth to him being sad instead of happy.

Usually, amongst all people or nations, the birth of a child is a happy and festive occasion.

It’s a time of celebration and hope even amongst my family, siblings, or relatives to have a child.

We’re even happy for our neighbor when this happens.

The birth of a child usually brings joy.

An Exception To The Rule

Nevertheless, there’s always an exception to the rule that the birth of a child (especially a male child) brings with it great joy and happiness.

Have you heard of Ichabod?

At his birth, his mom wasn’t happy at his coming because of surrounding circumstances.

Her husband, her brother-in-law, and her father-in-law had all been killed and died respectively on the same day.

Upon hearing this news, she was pregnant and near to delivery, so, she gave birth instantly. Just after giving birth to her son, she named him Ichabod.

Israel was at war with the Philistines and they had just captured and were in possession of the Ark of God.

Ichabod in Hebrews means, “The glory is departed from Israel“. She named her newborn son because she had just lost by death so many loved ones in one day and coupled with the loss of the Ark of God to their enemies.

Thus, his birth was a sad one even for her. Just before she dies at the birth of Ichabod her midwives inform and cheer her up by saying she should not be sad because she had given birth to a “son” but she didn’t “regard it.” (1 Samuel 4:21).

It was a sad day for all of Israel.

The Birth of a Son

So, Why Was The Birth of Jabez a Sad Occasion?

However, the births of Moses, Samuel, Jesus, and John the Baptist were happy and joyous times despite the circumstances surrounding their births respectively.

The birth of a child and especially a male child, amongst the Hebrews, is a happy and joyful occasion.

So, for Jabez’s mom to confess that she gives birth to him “with sorrow” or sadness is revealing.

What was the reason for her “sorrow”?

Nevertheless, despite his name he was happy because he asked the Lord to bless him and He did.

What Are The Few Things We Could do In Prayer to the Lord?

Before we examine what is the prayer of Jabez according to the Bible, allow me to reiterate some basic information concerning prayer to the Lord God.

Whenever we petition the Lord God there are few things we could do.

Generally speaking, we could ask Him, thank Him, or praise Him for something or someone.

But Jabez asked for something!

Prayer of Jabez According to the KJV

Many times, all these three general tasks occur in one of our prayers.

But there are times when only one of these activities dominates and colors a prayer.

This one activity may be so prominent that it totally distinguishes that prayer.

The Holy Bible doesn’t supply a definition of Jabez’s petition.

But the prayer of Jabez, in the Bible, is a petition for blessing.

And you will find it in 1 Chronicles 4:10.

Jabez’s Prayer in The Bible

For example, what is the most dominant feature of Jabez’s prayer?

It is asking. He makes a request of the Lord God. He makes one petition not many!

This makes it a prayer of supplication. He wasn’t praying for others and he wasn’t thanking or praising the Lord for anything.

Instead, he was asking the Lord for a favor for himself.

“Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested” (1 Chronicles 4:10).

What Is The Meaning of the Prayer of Jabez?

This one verse-of-scripture immediately above captures the entire Jabez prayer.

Many pastors and Bible teachers would read that verse-of-scripture above and say that Jabez petitions the Lord God for four things.

  1. “God’s blessing”
  2. “An expansion of territory”
  3. “The presence of God’s hand”
  4. “Protection from evil”

But, if we read and re-read 1 Chronicle 4:10 we will realize that Jabez only asked the Lord for one thing: to “bless me indeed”.

However, everything that follows “bless me indeed” in that same scripture reference only serves to explain how he desires that the Lord God blesses him (1 Chronicles 4:10).


  1. More real estate
  2. Guidance and
  3. Preservation from evil

What Does it Mean to Pray Like Jabez in Our Daily Lives?

I have always advocated for a number of things concerning effective prayers to the Lord God.

The first is we MUST identify to whom we are directing our prayers.

Chiefly because there are many gods in this world and they are all competing for our worship of them.

Consequently, observe that Jabez’s prayer is focused. He has one defined goal for his petition to the Lord.

As a result, he commences it by identifying to whom he makes his petition.

We know this because he makes it clear!

Thus, we read, “and Jabez called on the God of Israel” neither we nor anyone else has any doubts about who he was praying to.

Every time you pray, make it a habit to identify to whom you are praying.

Jesus Teaches About What Jabez Did!

That’s also the lesson Jesus was teaching his disciples when he taught them to pray.

Note in the scripture verse below that it’s the very first phrase of the prayer that Jesus taught them.

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven (Matthew 6:9).

Therefore, start your prayer by identifying who you are praying to and also identify where he is located.

 Secondly, focus on making one petition or request for each prayer.

Jabez prays that the Lord “bless” him. He desires the blessings of the Lord.

Note, how the scripture makes us understand that he was praying for a blessing by saying “And God granted him that which he requested” (1 Chronicles 4:10).

It didn’t take into account “how” the Lord would bless him or else the Bible would have said, “And God granted him those which he requested” (1 Chronicles 4:10).

But it didn’t!

4 Inspiring Lessons from the Prayer of Jabez

Finally, just as our fasting goal should be clear our prayer request of the Lord God must be lucid also.

So, we see that Jabez articulates his petition to the Lord God. He desires a blessing from the Lord and he expressly tells the Lord how he wants to be blessed.

Thus, Jabez’s prayer could assist us today by teaching us four things.

  • How to direct our prayer to God
  • Make it very focused by making one petition per prayer
  • Be very clear with our petitions
  • How to make an effective request of God?

Why Did the Lord Answer Jabez’s Prayer?

The Lord hears and answers Jabez’s request, in part, because he “was more honourable than his brethren” (1 Chronicles 4:9).

Additionally, Jabez knows what he wants from God and he knows how to ask Him for it!

The Bible tells us that we have not, because we ask not (James 4:2).

But it also informs us that we ask, and we receive not, because we ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. (James 4:3).

That means that we ask but fail to receive because we don’t follow the correct and heavenly protocol of requesting from the Lord God (James 4:30.

But Jabez knows how to ask of God for the Lord grants his request.


Jabez’s prayer is his request to the Lord God to bless him. He was born in sorrow as his name explains. But he was an honorable man.

Although he was a man of sorrow Jabez realized that if God blesses him it would remove his sorrow because when the Lord blesses a person it’s not one blessing but many in every area of his or her life.

You may be living under a cloud of sorrow and shame. Everyone may have written you off as a loser and a failure.

However, come to the realization like Jabez did that is not God’s plan for your life. He sees us as His priests and kings.

He sees us living in happiness and abundance. You should accept nothing less.

Therefore, we only need to ask Him for our blessings and He will grant them but we must petition Him according to His Word like Jabez did.

Thus, Jabez knew what he wanted and requested it from the Lord and He granted his petition.

In closing, today are you making a petition to the Lord God? Follow Jabez’s example. Make your request to Him according to the guidance of the Word of God and watch Him grants your petition and bless you.

Leroy A. Daley

Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.