How Do You Pray For Confidence?
A prayer for confidence is a petition a Believer in Jesus Christ could invoke to increase his or her confidence. There is no magic formula to increase your confidence.
You must put in the effort and work into it, but as Believers, we have assurance in Christ. The Holy Ghost is our Helper.
We can look to Him in times of need. When we pray such a prayer, we’re asking the Lord for His help and strength to build our self-esteem.
This is not a prayer for confidence in God!

What Does It Mean To Pray For Confidence?
With God by our side, we can do anything. The story of Gideon is a story that demonstrates the power of a prayer of confidence.
During the days of the Judges, the Midianites oppressed the Israelites for seven years. They ruined their crops; killed their livestock; and ravaged their land.
So, the Israelites cried out to God. He heard them and sent an angel to Gideon.
As the angel approached him, he said, “The LORD is with you, O mighty man of valor (Judges 6:12).”
Now, why did the angel call him a man of courage? Consequently, I shall explore the manner in which Gideon defined himself.
Here Is a Beautiful Scripture For Confidence
In the 15th verse of the 6th Chapter of Judges, he replies to God’s call to be a savior in Israel.
“‘Pardon me, my lord,’ Gideon replied, ‘but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.’”
He saw himself as a weakling. His confidence was worn out; his hope felt thwarted because of the struggles he walked through previously.
But the beautiful part of the story is how God transformed a man of low self-esteem into a mighty man of valor who saved an entire nation.
Throughout the story, he kept praying and asking God for signs and affirmations. He relied on God, and God showed up in the most incredible way.
Gideon defeated 120,000 Midianites with a small army of 300 men. The Lord won the battle for Israel (just as He fights your battles).
How did he gain such confidence? How did he go from a person of no confidence to a conqueror? He kept praying the prayer of confidence and fought in God-confidence.
You can win any battle with God’s help. Let us dig deeper into the topic.
Why Pray For Confidence?
Here are some reasons you might choose to make a prayer for confidence:
- Relationship With Christ: As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ is not only our Savior but also our closest friend and companion. Praying to Christ for confidence deepens our relationship with Him and acknowledges His role as the One who can strengthen us, fight our battles, and win.
- Following Christ’s Example: Jesus faced various challenges and trials during His earthly ministry, showing unwavering confidence in the Father’s will. By praying to Christ for confidence, we can learn from His example and seek His guidance in navigating our own struggles and uncertainties. He is our High Priest and is able to fully understand the pressures and anxieties of the human heart (Hebrews 4:14-16).
- Access To God’s Grace: Through His sacrifice on the cross, Christ opened the way for us to have a direct relationship with God. When we pray to Christ for confidence, we tap into His grace, knowing that His power and strength are available to us not only during the easy times but also during the hard times.
- Claiming God’s Many Promises: Throughout the Bible, God has made many promises to His children, assuring us of His presence, provision, and support. Praying to Christ for confidence involves claiming these promises and trusting that He will fulfill them in our lives. It is a matter of exercising our faith in Him.
- For Peace, Confidence, and Assurance: When we pray to Christ for confidence, we recognize His authority over every situation and circumstance. We can find security in knowing that He is in control and that nothing is beyond His reach. Thus, we’re filled with peace, confidence, and assurance (that comes through the Holy Spirit).
- Empowerment of The Holy Spirit: Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to dwell within believers (John 14:16-17). The Holy Spirit brings comfort, guidance, and empowerment. By praying to Christ for confidence, we invite the Holy Spirit to work in us, helping us overcome doubts and fears. We cannot win the war against the flesh or the devil in our own flesh. We need the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Alignment With God’s Will: Praying to Christ for confidence involves seeking His will and laying our selfish desires at His feet. We trust that as we align our hearts with His purposes, He will grant us the confidence we need to live according to His plans and face trials or tribulations with courage.
- Assurance of Christ’s Love: Through His death and resurrection, Christ demonstrated His immense love for us. When we pray to Christ for confidence, we can rest in the knowledge that He cares for us and wants to see us walk in His confidence and victory. God-confidence comes with being saturated in His love.
How To Pray A Prayer For Confidence?
Step #1:- Begin With Gratitude:
“Father, I thank you for all the blessings you’ve showered upon me. I thank you that your love is everlasting and for new mercies every morning. Thank you for the gift of salvation.”
Begin your prayer by expressing gratitude to God for His love, faithfulness, and presence in your life. Thank Him for His past provisions and the ways He has shown Himself faithful to you.
Step #2:- Acknowledge Your Need For Confidence:
“I need you, God. I’ve been struggling with a lack of confidence in my life. Oh, Holy Spirit, pour yourself into me. Strengthen my faith and hear my cries. This (describe) area of my life is broken. I humbly come before you for help.”
Humbly admit to God that you desire greater confidence in Him. Recognize any doubts, fears, or uncertainties you may have and surrender them to Him. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and strengthen your faith.
Step #3:- Meditate On God’s Word:
“Father, Your Word says, ‘Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.’ I’m calling upon You, Lord. Please be my Helper.”
Take time to reflect on the passages of Scripture given to you as promises. Claim the Scriptures about God’s faithfulness, promises, and ability to give confidence. Bring them to His throne of grace. Read and re-read these verses until they permeate your mind and heart, filling you with assurance in God’s character and His ability to fulfill His Word.
Step #4:- Pray For A Renewed Mind:
“Now I pray that you renew my mind. Bring me into the realm of faith, so I may live out your promises in the midst of the impossible. Fill me with your Spirit, Lord. I want to step out of the natural and into the supernatural.”
Ask God to renew your mind and transform your thinking. Pray for the Holy Spirit to replace any negative or doubtful thoughts with thoughts of faith, trust, and confidence in God. Invite Him to thwart the lies of the flesh and devil with His truth.
Step #5: Seek God’s Guidance and Direction:
“Come through for me in this area of my life, Lord. I need healing, protection, and guidance. I cannot rely on my flesh. I want You alone. Lord,show up in might and power.”
Request the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you walk through situations that require confidence. Pray for wisdom and discernment to make decisions rooted in faith. Trust that God will lead and direct you along paths that align with His will.
Step #6:- Make your request known:
“Here’s my request, O Lord (speak out your requests)!”
Make your requests known to Him here.
Step #7:-Surrender To God’s Will:
“Now I surrender to Your will, God. Your kingdom come, and Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. I want what you want for my life. I don’t want to live in my human will. Make Your will known to me, Lord. Give me the grace and strength to accept and walk in it.”
After you’ve made your requests known to Him, surrender to His will. Give your desires and plans to God, and know that His will is perfect and His ways are higher than yours. Pray for the grace to trust in His timing and His purposes, even when they may not match your own expectations.
Step #8:-Seek Strength In God:
“Now strengthen me, Lord! Fill me with your supernatural strength so that I may go in confidence and strength. Give me an assurance of your promises and fill me with boldness.”
Ask God to strengthen your faith and confidence in Him. Pray for His Spirit to fill you with boldness and assurance. Learn to depend fully and completely on His strength to overcome any feelings of inadequacy or fear.
Step #9:- Pray For Forgiveness:
“Father, I pray that you would reveal to me any hidden sins and forgive me of them. I want to pitch my tent near You, for I do not want to live anywhere near sin.”
Pray for forgiveness. Often, Believers live in sin and do not realize it. Hence, it is important to ask the Lord to reveal any hidden sins and to ask for forgiveness. They could block Him from hearing our prayers.
Step #10:-Walk In Faith:
“Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer. Help me to walk in Faith and confidence, in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!”
As you conclude your prayer, commit to walking in faith and confidence, even before you see the tangible results. Trust that God is at work, and continue to seek Him daily, knowing that He will guide you and fulfill His purposes in your life.
I have just demonstrated how to pray for confidence! Now, it’s your turn.
Now, I want you to take up faith and let the Lord know your requests. Go in boldness, knowing that He will hear your prayer.
Many thanks to Naassom Azevedo for the photo I used above!