Since there is no direct commandment from the Lord Jesus Christ concerning, how to lay hands on a person to bless, or otherwise, we must learn the Doctrine of Laying on of Hands from biblical examples.
Jacob, Joseph’s father, was one of the first persons, in the Scriptures, to demonstrate how to lay hands on someone. He blessed the two sons of Joseph, Manasseh, and Ephraim.
Therefore, let’s learn from him how to lay hands on someone to bless him.
The laying on of hands is a spiritual ritual that involves a leader such as a prophet, priest, or king placing his strong hand on another person for impartation.
The leader usually places his hand on the “subject’s” head during the impartation.
On some occasions, one person fills all three roles, in that, he is a prophet, priest, and king. King David was one of these leaders.
However, David’s mentor, Samuel was both a prophet and priest but not a king.
However, the Day of Pentecost changed our status. Through it, Christ Jesus has made all born-again Believers “kings and priests” before God (Revelation 1:6).
Get more details of this from the recommended resource at the end of this Bible Study.
Step #1: Place The Palm of Your Strong Hand on the Person’s Head
How to lay your hands on someone?
Jacob utilized both hands to bless his two grandsons, but using one hand is ok.
“And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim’s head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh’s head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn” (Genesis 48:14).
Step #2: Speak Your Blessings Utilizing The Name Jesus Christ
How to bless someone with your hands?
Israel (Jacob) made full use of the name when he laid his hands on his grandsons to bless them.
He decreed: “The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth” (Genesis 48:16).
Jacob couldn’t use the angel’s name because he didn’t know it. He had refused to tell him his name (Genesis 32:29). However, he knew both his father’s and his grandfather’s names, so he utilized them in his blessing. And he also used his own name.
As a result, he blessed them saying: “let my name be named on them”. And “let the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac” be on the “lads” (Genesis 48:16).
Don’t remove your hand from the head of the person you are laying hands on until you have finished speaking,
What Is The Significance of Laying on of Hands?
Many people and most of them are Christians, either don’t see or can’t perceive that when true Believers in Jesus Christ participate in the laying on of hands wonderful things happen.
Read why this is so important in this Bible Study.
Only genuine Believers in Jesus Christ should lay hands on you! They alone represent his kingdom!
Are there prayers for laying on of hands?
No, there are no prayers for laying on of the hands of a Believer. But the to lay hands is a fundamental doctrine of Jesus Christ and the Church. Read Hebrews 6:2.
Which Scripture warns be careful who lays hands on you?
The one that comes readily to my mind is Acts 19:13-17. These seven men were not Christians but they attempted to accomplish that which only Believers could do!
More FAQs – Laying Hands on Someone in Prayer
Is it ok to lay hands on someone in prayer?
If you are a Christian that ok. But if you are not, don’t!
What is the significance of laying hands on someone in prayer?
It has far-reaching consequences. This simple act has the potential to worsen your problems or solve them! But a lot depends on who is laying hands.
Why is laying hands on someone’s head important?
Because in the Bible, this is the only place on the body the disciples of Jesus Christ touched as they pray or bless others.
An Essential Feature of How to Lay Hands
Gently, laying your “strong hand” on the head of the other person is important.
Therefore, if you are left-handed use it, and if you are right-handed use it. But use your strong arm.
Frequently, I observe “Ministers of God” laying hands on others to bless, heal or pray.
On many of these occasions, they shove the person’s head with much force. So much so that the person begins to fall to the floor.
In most instances, someone has to hold the person being blessed to prevent him or her from falling and hurting him or herself.
This does not qualify as laying on of hands. The person who is receiving the laying on of hands is not falling because of the mighty power of the Lord, but because the same was shoved or pushed.
The laying on of hands is gentle.
How to Lay Hands is as Important as Where
The laying of hands on the head is important. Because a person who lays hands on another, in the name of the Lord, is a representative of the Lord, when such a one lays hands it’s God who is laying hands.
It never happens on any other part of the body except the head.
Finally, lay your strong arm on the person’s head and speak your blessings in no other name but the name of Jesus Christ. It is the name, which is above all names in heaven and in earth.
Therefore, laying hand on someone and not invoking a name is useless. There is no authority in the absence of a name, and no impartation happens.
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Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day.
His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.
I’m about to go lay hands on a dear friend’s husband. I wanted to be sure of what I’m doing, thinking I need other to help, and after reading your share, based on biblical example, I know I can, that I am a representative of God, an instrument, and let God work the healing into and through me… thank you. Yancy
Leroy Daley February 25, 2021
I’m happy that I could be of help Yancy. Let me know the outcome! I bless you in the all-powerful name, Jesus Christ!
I’m about to go lay hands on a dear friend’s husband. I wanted to be sure of what I’m doing, thinking I need other to help, and after reading your share, based on biblical example, I know I can, that I am a representative of God, an instrument, and let God work the healing into and through me… thank you. Yancy
I’m happy that I could be of help Yancy. Let me know the outcome! I bless you in the all-powerful name, Jesus Christ!