
How Do We Know That God Is Hearing Our Prayer?

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  • Post category:Bible Study / Prayer
  • Post last modified:October 2, 2023
  • Reading time:14 mins read

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Where In The Bible Does It Say God Hears Our Prayers?

Updated:- Sunday, December 3rd, 2023

Have you ever wondered, is God hearing my prayer? Many people, Christians included, have thought about and vocalized this concern.

I had doubts about whether God is hearing my prayers until I discover something wonderful in the Word of God!

There are several places and scriptures that inform us that the Lord God hears the prayers of the Believer in Jesus Christ.

I will list a few of them later in this study, so stay tuned.

God is always hearing our prayers. The Bible speaks of this in Psalm 34:15,

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry.”

If you’re a Believer, you know for certain that the Lord is hearing your prayers. There is absolutely no doubt about that.

He never turns a deaf ear to His children. He is a loving heavenly Father who is filled with utter and complete compassion for His children.


God Is Hearing Our Prayers Because…

God Is Omnipresent

To understand how God hears everything, we need to study and understand His character. God is omnipresent, which means He is present everywhere and at all times.

Now, He isn’t physically present all over the world, for we know that God is a Spirit. God’s presence has no limitations. He is not confined to a specific location or space.

God Is Omniscient Too!

He is omniscient, which means that He knows all things, including past, present, and future. He has perfect knowledge of every event, thought, intention, and outcome.

Nothing hides from God; nothing is beyond His understanding.

What A Omnipotent God We Serve!

He is also omnipotent, which means that there are no limits or constraints on His power. He has the ability to accomplish anything that aligns with His nature, purpose, and divine will.

There is no task, problem, or situation that is beyond His control or ability to handle. He is in control of the entire universe; nothing ever slips His eye.

These traits have been tested and tried through time, and we know for sure that God is reliable, faithful, able, and hears our prayers.

Thus we know God is hearing our prayer because of all these things!

Is It Biblical That God Answers Prayers According To His Will?

Every time we pray, we must pray to know the will of God. Why should we pray for the will of God? More importantly, what does the will of God have to do with Him answering our prayers?

When we pray for the will of God and surrender our own desires, we open ourselves up to experiencing a deep sense of purpose, peace, contentment, and fulfillment.

Trusting in God’s will brings an assurance that He is in control and that He has our best interests at heart, which is a fact.

Even in difficult circumstances, we can find comfort in knowing that we are aligned with His greater plan.

God Answers Prayers According To His Will – Scripture

Praying for the will of God opens us up to His leading and guidance. It creates space for us to listen to His voice and discern His plans for our lives.

It helps us make decisions and choices that are in line with His purposes and avoid paths that may lead us astray.

When we pray for the will of God, we prioritize His kingdom and glory above our own ambitions and desires (Matthew 6:33).

It shifts our focus from self-centeredness to a desire to see God’s purposes fulfilled in our lives and in the world.

God created us to serve Him! We didn’t create us to serve ourselves.

Praying for His will helps us seek His righteousness, truth, and justice in all that we do.

Praying for His will reflects our trust in His sovereignty and authority. It acknowledges that He is in control and that His plans are higher and better than our own desires or agendas.

By aligning our prayers with His will, we surrender our own need for control and place our trust in His divine providence.

How Do I Know – God Hearing Our Prayer?

Knowing that God hears our prayers is a matter of faith and trust in His nature and promises. While we may not always have tangible evidence of His response, there are several factors that can give us confidence that God is hearing our prayers.

  1. God’s Omniscience: As we’ve seen above, God is all-knowing and aware of everything in and around us, including our thoughts, desires, and prayers. The Bible says in Psalm 139:4, “Before a word is on my tongue, you, Lord, know it completely.” This proved that God is attentive to our prayers and understands our hearts even before we express them.
  2. God’s Love and Care: The Bible teaches us that God is loving and compassionate towards His children. 1 Peter 5:7 teaches us to cast our anxieties on the Lord because He cares for us. Knowing that God cares deeply for us allows us to trust that He listens to our prayers and desires what is best for us. No matter what the outcome is, He’s got you!
  3. God’s Promises: The Bible is filled with promises from God regarding prayer. For example, Jesus said in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” These assurances remind us that God is always listening to our prayers, although His answers may come in unexpected ways or timing. We need to align our expectations with His will.
  4. Confirmation in Scripture: Throughout the Bible, there are examples of prayers being heard and answered. These stories are reminders that God is actively involved in the lives of His people. The story of Hannah is one beautiful example of the Lord answering prayer (1 Samuel 1-2). When God gives a promise, He almost always confirms it through Scripture. An important term is God doesn’t go against His own Word. God’s will is in God’s Word.  
  5. Personal Experience: Reflecting on our own lives, we can often find instances where our prayers have been answered or where we have experienced God’s guidance, provision, or comfort. Always count your blessings, and keep a journal of answered prayers. These personal encounters can strengthen our faith in the Lord and must be recorded and shared with other believers.
  6. Confirmation from Others: Seek support and guidance from fellow believers who have experienced the faithfulness of God in their own lives. It is vital to have a spiritual mother and father because that is the order of things. Hearing their stories and witnessing how God has answered their prayers will encourage your faith and edify you.
  7. Patience and Surrender: Understand that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His timing may not align with our immediate desires. Sometimes the answer to our prayers may be a “yes,” a “no,” or a “not now.” Trusting in God’s wisdom and surrendering the outcome of your prayers to His divine plan can bring peace and assurance that He hears and acts in accordance with His perfect will.
  8. Trust in God’s Nature: Build your confidence in the understanding of God’s character. God is loving, compassionate, and faithful. This is a fact, and circumstances don’t change His nature. The Bible says in Numbers 23:19, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” Trust that His wisdom surpasses human understanding, and He knows what is best for you. Even when it seems like God has not immediately answered our prayers, but have faith in Him.

It is extremely important to remember that God’s response to our prayers may not always align with our expectations or desires.

Trusting in God’s goodness and character and surrendering to His will can help us power through the many storms of faith.

Why is God Not Hearing My Prayers?

How is your spiritual life? Before we understand the reasons behind unanswered prayers, take a few minutes to check the quality of your relationship with Him. Here are a few reasons God may not be answering your prayers:  

  1. God’s Timing: God operates according to His perfect timing, which may not align with our immediate desires or expectations. Sometimes, God delays answering prayers to teach us patience, develop our character, or align His plans with our best interests.
  2. God’s Will: God’s wisdom surpasses our understanding, and He knows what is best for us. Perhaps what we’re asking for is not in line with His will or may not be the best course of action for our spiritual growth, or may not bring Him glory.  
  3. Unconfessed Sin or Unforgiveness: Sin can create barriers in our relationship with God. Sin is one of the biggest hindrances to God answering prayer. If there are unconfessed sins in our lives or if we’re holding onto unforgiveness towards others, it could hinder our prayers. It’s important to examine our hearts, seek forgiveness, and extend forgiveness to others.
  4. Lack of Faith: Jesus emphasized the importance of faith when approaching God in prayer. Doubt and lack of trust can hinder our prayers.
  5. Trials for Perfecting our Faith: Sometimes, God allows us to go through seasons of struggle or unanswered prayers to refine our faith, strengthen our reliance on Him, and teach us important lessons. These times of trouble can be opportunities for growth, perseverance, and deepening our trust in God. It is how God sanctifies us.
  6. God’s Better Plan: It’s possible that God has a different plan or answer than what we’re expecting. His ways are higher than ours, and He may be working in ways that we cannot perceive. During such periods, we must exercise faith and trust Him completely.


I have shown you how God is hearing our prayers. I have also shown some reasons He may not answer our prayers.

Therefore, we could agree that God hears and knows everything. The will of God is of utmost importance. Know, pray, and do it!

Finally, I have also explored a few possible barriers that could block our prayers. How are your prayers doing?

Is the Lord answering them? Let me know in the comments below this Bible study! Blessings!

Leroy A. Daley

Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.