A Picture of the Golden Candlestick The Seven Spirits of God

The Golden Candlestick

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  • Post category:New Book
  • Post last modified:February 28, 2025
  • Reading time:6 mins read

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The Golden Candlestick Is Here

Today I wish to furnish important information concerning my new book, The Golden Candlestick – The Seven Spirits of God. It’s published.

The long wait is over. My new book is here!

Now, it’s no longer in the Production Stage but in stores.  So, soon it will become available in a bookstore near you and via the Internet.

This book will challenge your beliefs. But it will furnish a deeper and richer biblical perspective of the Lord God. You will understand Him better.

When Is The Golden Candlestick Available?

It was published on October 24, 2019. I wanted to publish it by May 31, 2019. However, it didn’t happen then. I was so disappointed. But now I’m all excited. This is my second published work. The first one is listed below.

It is an apt companion for Living Soul.  It’s a must-have resource for Believers who desire empowerment above all of life’s circumstances. It’s for truth-seekers.

Is Golden Candlestick Only For Christians?

It investigates the monotheism of the Lord God. However, in dissecting this topic, it offers how a monotheistic God does nothing. Instead, He utilizes His seven spirits to accomplish all His desires.

Golden Candlestick addresses a number of important issues for both unbelievers and Christians alike.

How Will Golden Candlestick Benefit You?

This new book, Golden Candlestick, answers a few questions that are difficult. It deals especially with those relating to the oneness of the Lord God.

For example, if He is one, why does He constantly uses the personal pronoun “us”?

He says, “Let us” and come “let us”, the answer will enlighten you concerning Him.

Do You Want To Know About The Rapture?

My latest book looks at the rapture in detail.

Therefore, it examines and answers queries concerning whether or not the “Rapture” is biblical or a figment of people’s imagination. Who will be in the rapture? When is the rapture?

Golden Candlestick Examines Controversial Topics

It also delves into the Great Tribulation. In it, I explain what the Great Tribulation is and I show when it will happen. Additionally, it also answers the question: is the rapture before or after the Great Tribulation? And is there a Mid-Tribulation Rapture?

Who or What is the Abomination of Desolation?

Additionally, it examines the Abomination of Desolation. Is the Abomination that makes Desolate a person or an office?

Is the Pope the Abomination of Desolation? How can we be certain about these things? Are we guessing, proposing opinions, or teaching what the Word of God is instructing? And what is Israel’s role in all of this?

Where to Purchase Golden Candlestick?

This new book is available wherever books are sold. Therefore, you could purchase paper or digital copies at your local bookstore, or online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google, and of course, on my website respectively.

Why Is Golden Candlestick Important?

The Lord Jesus Christ informs his disciples and us of the sign of his second coming and of the end of the world, (Matthew 24:3).

He didn’t say signs but “sign”. What is that one sign, which indicates the second advent of Jesus Christ?

Learn the difference between Jesus’ second coming and the rapture. When is the “end of the world”?

What Must You Do?

Since The Golden Candlestick is available, get it now!  Get it via this link!


Leroy A. Daley

Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.