
Re-Baptism Is It Necessary And How Many Times Should I Be Baptized?

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Updated:- Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

What Is ReBaptism?

Rebaptism means that a Believer in Jesus Christ was baptized and has experienced another water baptism.

There are many religious reasons for rebaptism. But there is only one biblical justification for it.

Water baptism is not a mark or “seal”. Yet, it symbolizes a most important spiritual stance in the Body of Christ.

Therefore, how many times you experience baptism is as pertinent now as it was in the First Century Church. How many times were Jesus, and his twelve disciples baptized? 

Similarly, many Believers want to know, is getting baptized a second, or third time, even scriptural? Is re-baptism a sin?

Additionally, what does the Bible say about infant/baby baptism?

Who In The Bible Experienced Rebaptism?

Who was rebaptized in the Bible? John the Baptist came on the scene and baptized all the people. He baptized those from the land of Judaea, Jerusalem, and the surrounding areas in the river of Jordan, (Mark 1:9).

He baptized all, even Jesus and the publicans, except the Pharisees and the lawyers (Luke 7:29-30).

His was their first water baptism.

Jesus came after John. The latter was the forerunner of the former. And he rebaptized most of those people whom the latter had baptized.

This means that Jesus rebaptized all of those people!

According to the Scriptures, did John the Baptist rebaptize anyone? No!!

Why Did Apostle Paul Rebaptize These Brethren?

He visited Ephesus and found twelve Christians who were baptized according to the Baptism of John.

They had not received the Holy Ghost nor were they baptized in the name of Jesus.

This surprised Paul. Therefore, he enquired of them why and they explained their circumstances. Subsequently, he rebaptized them in the name of Jesus, and soon after they received the Holy Ghost.

See Acts 19:1-7.


Why Should Rebaptism Happen?

If you were initially baptized in accordance with the instructions of the Doctrine of Christ, then you should only be baptized once.

However, rebaptism does not bring Christians closer to God. There are no biblical examples to support that point of view.

In answering your question, what are the reasons to get baptized again, I shall utilize biblical examples?

What Are Some Reasons To Get Baptized Again?

Should I Get Baptized Again After Backsliding?

Sometimes, when a Believer slips back into the “worldly lifestyle” or into his or her former lifestyle (backsliding), then many of them request rebaptism.

But this is tradition! It is not biblical! Some would say that this practice stems from religion and not Christ.

Nevertheless, rebaptism for this reason is a popular practice in many denominations today!

Reasons Some Christians Experience Re-baptism

Therefore, don’t be hasty to join religious organizations. Many of them dictate their members’ baptism or re-baptism.

Some don’t even baptize. They ignore the Bible’s teaching on this very important spiritual ritual.

Water baptism represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Seeing that he died once, then we should only experience baptism once.

In the first instance, if you obeyed his command concerning baptism you don’t need to baptize again.

Jesus’ Instructions To Baptise In Water

The Scripture below is Christ’s instructions concerning water baptism. He instructed his eleven apostles, Judas was dead,

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,”

Matthew 28:19

However, there are instances in the Scripture when people experience repeat baptism (Acts 19:1-5).

That was the reason Jesus re-baptized all those John had baptized. John’s baptism was first.

He baptized “unto repentance“. But when Jesus came on the scene, he re-baptized everyone (including all his disciples) in the River Jordan.

Today, many “Christians” frequently change denominations. Most times these organizations require re-baptism.

How Many Times Can You Be Baptized According to the Bible?

You could get baptized as many times as you desire. But, is that practice biblical or necessary? In the Bible, you will observe that the key to how many times people got baptized was the teaching they got or believed first.

Observe, in the Bible, that the people who were correctly baptized, according to the Apostles’ Doctrine or the Doctrine of Jesus Christ, were only baptized once.

However, let’s examine this in-depth and discover if re-baptism is biblical. Let’s explore what Jesus and the early church taught and practiced.

Thus, how many times you experienced water baptism is a function of the first biblically correct teaching you heard and believed concerning Jesus Christ!

How Many Times Should Rebaptism Occur?

Who was baptized twice in the Bible? How many times should rebaptism occur? These are some of the questions you need answers for as you ponder this topic.

Those that come to mind readily are the twelve Christians at Ephesus.

They had received baptism “Unto John’s baptism” by John. But Paul rebaptized them in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 19:1-7).

However, observe that all the people who John the Baptist baptized—with the exception of Jesus Christ—were re-baptized by either Jesus or his disciples (Acts 19:1-5).

Additionally, all the people who John baptized were later re-baptized according to the instructions of Jesus Christ.

Is It Ok To be Baptized More Than Once?

What About Re-baptism?

But none who Jesus or his apostles baptized, later experienced rebaptism by anyone. It wasn’t OK for them to be baptized more than once!

If you obeyed the instructions of Jesus Christ concerning your baptism then it’s Ok. You obeyed! You don’t need re-baptism.

He instructed:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Which Apostle Baptized Saying This?

Did all of the apostles of Jesus disobey him? None of them followed the baptismal formula captured by Matthew 28:19-20.

Check your Bible, for not one apostle baptize anyone saying, “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost“, (Matthew 28:19).

They all baptized saying, in the name of the Lord, that is saying, Jesus Christ.

If they didn’t follow those instructions, did they disobey Jesus?

And you want to know something, He was happy with them and how they baptized the people of the First Century Church.

Because he approved all their missionary work with miracles and healings.

Today, many Christians are getting baptized a second time not because the Bible instructs them to but because of their religious affiliations.

When Should Rebaptism Take Place?

Can you be baptized twice?

The short answer is yes! There are no reasons to get baptized again. There is only one reason for rebaptism: your first baptism was done incorrectly.

This means that you were not baptized while invoking the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The baptized never said, for example, “Jesus Christ”; instead, he or she submerged you while making a vague reference to a name but never mentioned, “the name” (Matthew 28:19).

This is very popular.

If your baptizer didn’t invoke the name of Jesus as you were being baptized, you should re-baptize.

Look Out For This Deception!

The baptizer may have invoked, over you, just as he is about to dip you into the water, “I now baptize you [enter your name here], “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19).

But repeating this phrase is not saying the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

By saying, “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” we are merely repeating the Scriptures and highlighting the only three roles of the Lord God (Matthew 28:19).

Note what happened. He never called on any name for he only hinted at it. That’s the deception of the Devil.

This is how he uses ignorance of the Word of God to deceive the whole world.

Is Rebaptism A Sin?

Getting baptized a second time is not a sin.

As a matter of fact, We cannot obey the Lord Jesus Christ and sin simultaneously. It’s one or the other!

This is how the Deceiver uses religion to sidetrack people from experiencing salvation!

Given once for all, Baptism cannot be repeated. The baptisms of those to be received into the Catholic Church from other Christian communities are held to be valid if administered using the Trinitarian formula. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains: 1256.”,

Catechism of the Catholic Church: 1256

The above statement is not a doctrine of baptism from the Bible, Jesus Christ, or His Church, but one of the RCC.

Avoid these teachings because they are devilish and Satan-inspired.

Do not follow such dogmas as they are not only sinful but they will prevent you from entering the Kingdom of God (John 3:5).

Because, if you never experienced the real baptism of the Bible and follow the teaching above you are doomed with Satan and his host!

What Is Baptism According to The Bible?

The result, spending eternity with Satan.

On the other hand, at your baptism, if the “Babes-in-Christ” preachers have deceived you, by using the baptismal formula of Matthew 28:19 verbatim, (the Trinitarian formula), then you are a perfect candidate for getting baptized a second time.

Mainly, because by following the Trinitarian formula you wouldn’t have followed the Lord’s instructions concerning baptism.

He instructs us to accept baptism in “the name“, doing anything else is disobedience (Matthew 28:19).

Today, your re-baptism awaits you calling on “the name”: Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19).

There is only one water baptism. It’s the one that the Church practiced after the resurrection of Christ.

There is: “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5).

Below, you will find a short list of questions on rebaptism. Many readers of this blog desire answer for them and I shall endeavor to update it as more inquiries come in.

FAQs – Rebaptism

Can You Get Baptized More Than Once?

Yes. However, there is only one biblical reason to get baptized more than once. This means that all the previous baptisms a person experienced were not done according to the teaching of the Church.
For example, all the people whom John the Baptist baptized Jesus rebaptized them. John’s baptism was limited and transient.
But his is the ultimate one and everlasting!

How Many Times Can You Get Baptized?

As many times it takes until it’s done correctly or biblically!

Can You Be Baptized Multiple Times?

Yes, but only if all your previous baptisms did not adhere to the teachings of Jesus and his apostles on this subject.

Can You Be Baptized More Than Once?

Yes! But you shouldn’t if your first baptism conformed to the teachings of Jesus and His twelve leaders!

Can You Be Baptised More Than Once?

Since the only difference between this question and the previous one is a variation in the spelling of one word, the same answer above is appropriate for this inquiry too. Yes!

More Frequently Asked Questions On Re-baptism

Can You Get Baptized Twice?

This depends on one important consideration. If your baptizer did not invoke the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, at your first baptism, but repeated the phrase u0022in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghostu0022, then getting baptized twice saying the same thing has no spiritual value.

However, if during your second baptism, your baptizer invokes the name of the Lord, but it was not invoked during your first baptism, then yes, you can get baptized twice.

How Many Times Can A Christian Get Baptized?

Ideally, a Christian should be baptized correctly once and done. However, given the diverse teachings on baptism practiced today in many churches, a Christian can get baptized as many times as possible until it is done right!

Can Baptism Be Repeated?

Yes! I don’t see any biblical reason to repeat your baptism if your initial baptism conformed to Jesus and His apostles’ teachings on this subject.
However, if your previous baptism adheres to the teachings of popular religion and not to Christ’s and His Church then you need to be rebaptized!

Should You Get Baptized More Than Once?

No, you shouldn’t but if it’s required by the teachings of Jesus and His Church you should!


Rebaptism is necessary if your previous baptism or baptisms were not executed in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ, His apostles, and the Church.

I encourage you to utilize the baptism of Jesus Christ as your guide to determine if rebaptism is biblical.

In the Bible, Jesus was baptized how many times? Only once! Why?

What Next?

If you have not obeyed Jesus’ command to baptize, then you are an ideal candidate for re-baptism in the name, Jesus Christ.

I know that you may also be asking yourself, is rebaptism a sin?

The answer is, no! But now that you know, according to the Bible, when and why rebaptism occurs, what are you going to do about it?

Have You Put on Christ?

Consequently, one of the reasons to experience water baptism is to “put on Christ”.

And this putting on of him, spiritually, does one thing. It shouts into the spiritual realm that you belong to Him.

Is your water baptism shouting into the spiritual realm that you belong to Jesus Christ? Jesus explains to his disciples how to baptize and why.

If you have not taken on the name of Jesus via baptism, get baptized today calling on his saving name.

Because you haven’t put on Christ unless you have put on his name by water baptism.

“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

Galatians 3:27

In closing, has this Bible Study answered any of your questions concerning getting baptized a second time? Yes, then please share it with others.


Leroy A. Daley

Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Cg

    Helpful, thank you & God bless!

  2. Leroy Daley

    Thank you CG for taking the time to read and then to comment. I’m happy I was able to assist you. I appreciate you and your time. Blessings!

  3. Tom

    There is no mention in the Bible of Jesus ever baptizing anyone ritually by water baptism in the Jordan River or anywhere else. Believers in Christ are baptized with the Holy Spirit (a real baptism) at the moment of salvation and then can choose to be baptized (ritually) with water. The word Baptism is actually a transliteration, not a translation. It should be translated as identify. There are 5 real and 4 ritual “baptisms” in scripture.

  4. Leroy Daley

    Thank you, Tom, for spending the time to read then to comment.
    But, I have one question for you, are we reading the same Book?
    Next, there is no distinction in the Word of “ritual” and “real baptism”. This is a feature of the Baby-in-Christ who is struggling to understand the Bible.
    Thus, is it’s man-made and not in the Bible in concept or practice.
    All baptisms in the Bible are for real, not “mock” or “ritual”. In every instance two people went down into water and one literally baptized the other in water.
    Spirit baptism (receiving the Holy Ghost) NEVER happens “at the moment of salvation” in the Bible.
    It always occurs after.
    Baptisms are not optional. Jesus makes certain to explain that in John 3.
    Finally, “transliteration” or “translation” is opinion-based. Allow the Holy Ghost to explicate the Word of God.
    Thanks, Tom!

  5. Thomas "Shannon" Hargrove

    Hello LeRoy:
    I just wanted to let you know that you stated Matthew 28:29. It’s Matthew 28:19. I’m trying to learn and navigate myself, and I noticed that when nothing came up in the Google search bar. I just wanted to let you know of that mistake. I was not sure if you knew or not. Enjoy your day, sir.

  6. Leroy Daley

    Thank you Shannon. I wasn’t aware of it until you draw my attention to it! There aren’t even 29 verses in Matthew 28.

    I really appreciate this and I have fixed it! Thanks again, Shannon.

  7. Shawn

    Hello, I was baptized as a young boy around 10-12 years old in Jesus name but at the time I don’t remember if I understood “why” I was being baptized, should I be rebaptized because I don’t remember “why” I was being baptized or am I ok? Thank you in advance. We were Pentacostal at the time, now we’re non-denomination.

  8. Leroy Daley


    Thanks for your question and it’s a great one.

    According to the Bible, young children shouldn’t be baptized.

    As a result, the Bible only records adults being baptized.

    However, you were at least ten, or twelve and that a great age for baptism.

    You don’t need rebaptism because you were baptized correctly the first time.

    Now, you are much older and know the major reason for baptism, so you are OK.

    Thanks again!!

  9. Verna Ann Swaine

    I was baptized in a protestant faith with them using The father, the son, and the holy spirit. Now I will be baptized this Easter in the Catholic religion using the same format. Your pointing this out makes me start thinking what am I getting myself into? Should I reconsider and cancel my baptism?

  10. Leroy A. Daley

    Any water baptism that does not invoke the name of Jesus Christ as you are immersed in water is spiritually useless.

    It does not obey the command of Jesus Christ to use “the name”.

    It does not matter the church or “faith” because if the baptizer didn’t utilize the name of Jesus Christ you have not taken on Christ.
    You are not one of his! Don’t make that mistake. Where and with whom you spend your eternity depends on it!
    Additionally, observe that everybody that John baptized shortly before the arrival of Jesus, he rebaptized them. Why? Because his baptism is final. John’s vas transient at best.

  11. Maxine Martin

    It was so many years ago I was baptized in a Pentecostal church, I don’t remember if they baptized me in the name of Jesus or the Trinity.
    Should I be baptized in water again?

  12. Leroy A. Daley

    Yes, Maxine because you need to know that you qualify, according to Jesus, to enter his kingdom! John 3:5!!!

  13. Maxine Martin

    Thank you

  14. Dillon

    Hey I Was Baptized A Year Ago By My Grandparents But I Feel Like I Wasnt Truly Baptized I Mean They Did Everything Right But When They Asked “Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?” I Said “Yes” But I Feel like I just said it to get it over with and now I’m 14 and am worrying should I Get rebaptized?

  15. Leroy A. Daley

    Hey Dillion, 14 is a great age for rebaptism. This is even more significant if you don’t know how you were initially baptized!!

  16. Mark

    If The Baptizer says “Do you accept Jesus Christ as Lord And Saviour” You have then stated who you are being
    Baptised Into. So if you say “Father Son and Holy Spirit” during the Baptism this is just reemphasising what you previously said “I Accept Jesus Christ As Lord and Saviour. Besides God Knows our hearts and knows exactly
    what we are Committing to. How many millions of people have been baptised in the name of the Trinity and
    loved and followed the Lord ever since, are you saying none of them are saved. Jesus want’s His Followers to experience the Peace He brings, not for people to worry all their lives about if they are Saved or not. I suggest
    people like you Leroy are always on the lookout for something to differ on to say “I’m right and your wrong”.
    People are going to be confused. There are other so called Biblical Experts out there who would say the opposite
    to you, so who are we supposed to believe? By the way i am from England and find when i am browsing the internet for some inspirational Christian content inevitably i find that loads and loads of American Pastors and
    biblical Teachers are always disagreeing, pointing the finger and throwing the accusations of “False Teacher at
    one another. I sometimes think it’ better to just read The Bible and if we don’t understand something or misinterpret something The God of Grace fully understands where we might be lacking understanding.

  17. Leroy A. Daley

    Thank you Mark for reading and commenting. God’s people, globally, are destroyed because they are ignorant to spiritual principles. Ignorance is one of Satan’s main weapons against us. But if we don’t understand God’s Word, how could we obey Him? Similarly, how could we believe and grow in the Word if we are ignorant of it? You read it but didn’t comprehend. The use of Father, Son, or Holy Ghost is not identical to saying Jesus Christ.
    But you are not a Christian, so, how could you understand?

  18. Leroy A. Daley

    Mark, Jesus told the religious leaders of his time that they are in error because they don’t know The Scriptures and the power of God and I’m saying the same thing to you today!

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