A Christian Prayer for President Trump
A while back, I wrote and prayed a Christian prayer for the 44th President of the United States of America (U.S.A.). So, now, I thought it appropriate to write and to pray a Christian prayer for the incumbent president, the 45th President, Donald Trump, or President Trump.
Eternal and holy Lord Jesus Christ, heaven is your home and earth is your creation. I exalt and magnify your great name Christ Jesus our Lord. It’s the greatest name in heaven and in earth. There’s no name greater. No greater God. Lord, you are the only true God. There is no other God like you.
Lord Jesus, I worship your great name because you are the only living God. All other gods are dead. They are made by man’s hands. But you created all things and by you
You are not made from gold, or silver, or stone. You are not made from wood, for you cause all trees to grow.
Jesus, you are the only living God who hears and answers prayers. Holy living God, I come before your throne today to present the 45th President of the U.S.A., Donald Trump.

The Lord Wants us to Pray for the President
Lord Jesus, you implore us in your Word, the Bible, to pray for our leaders.
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men,” (1 Timothy 2:1).
Therefore, Jesus, I pray for this man that you have placed in authority over this nation and the world.
“For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty,” (1 Timothy 2:2).
Lord Jesus, I know that this is what you desire of me now and that it is acceptable in your eyes; therefore, I make this prayer for President Trump.
“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour,” (1 Timothy 2:3).
Holy Lord, as I make this prayer for our president, bring him into the knowledge of God and Christ.
“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth,” (1 Timothy 2:4).
Consequently, I commend our 45th President, Donald Trump, into your holy, and mighty hands.
Prayer for President Trump is Important
Apostle Paul encourages us to pray, “For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty,” (1 Timothy 2:2).
Lord, guide his decisions concerning this great country. Furnish him with your laws regarding the foundation of every great civilization, namely the family unit.
Christ Jesus our Lord, aid him to obliterate and repatriate the demonic, and devilish-typhoon of evil spirits that the 44th President of the U.S.A. has unleashed.
They are contrary to your will and to your desire for the world and your peoples.
Lord, you have established leaders because they obeyed you. And you have cast down others because their hearts were not perfect towards you in your sight.
Pray for the President’s Heart
Lord Jesus, give President Trump a heart like Asa, King of Judah. I pray in your holy name, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God that you will supply him the political fortitude necessary for him to obey your Words.
Additionally, Lord, give him the strength of character to do as Asa did, in the restoration of the family, and the fulfilling of your will.
Therefore, Lord, give President Trump a perfect heart to obey you. And in accomplishing this, Lord of heaven and earth, send a man-of-God to counsel him as you did for leaders of old.
Christ Jesus, dispatch a born-again man-of-God to supply counsel from heaven to President Trump. Send one filled with your Holy Ghost, replete with your words, and one who has taken on your great and holy name Jesus, and you will receive the glory, for the power is yours and the glory belongs to you.

Christians’ Role – Pray for President Trump
Lord Jesus Christ, evil desires to entrench itself into our lives. But deliver us from it Lord.
President Trump is the 45th President because you placed him there for such a time as now. Nothing happens by chance because you are the God of the universe. His presidency didn’t surprise you. You facilitated it.
Lord, assist Christians to understand our role. We are not here for complaining and criticizing of our leaders, but to motivate your will on earth as it is in heaven through Christian prayer and the ministry of your Word.
Jesus, forgive the 45th President of his sins. Lord, none of us is without sins. And I thank you for hearing my prayer. I receive my requests for I have confidence that you honor your Word.
Resurrected Lord, I thank you for the change that you will effect through President Trump and through the name of your holy Child Jesus. Amen!
This is not just a Christian prayer that I write, but one that I pray for the President. Believers, in Jesus Christ, stop complaining and murmuring about the President’s behavior.
The Lord hates murmuring. But He takes pleasure in our Christian prayers. Pray for the 45th President of the U.S.A.
He’s not perfect, but none of us is yet the Lord has made him President because His Word and His will have been trampled on in America.
This is our opportunity to be agents of Christian-change, by praying Christian prayers for President Trump every day.
Pray For President Donald Trump Presidency
President Donald Trump, I bless your presidency in the most powerful name: Jesus Christ.
You will accomplish what others have dreamed about and globally, people will speak of you for generations.
The blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ are on you, your family, and your presidency; I bless you in the precious name of the Lord, Amen!
Click the link above and read what’s missing from all the photos we see of people praying for the President.
Observe that I couldn’t pray a Christian prayer for the 45th President saying the Lord’s Prayer, but I utilized its format for this prayer.
And I only write it to share, how to pray for someone according to the Word of God. So, a prayer for the President shouldn’t be written but spoken from the heart.
Today, pray a Christian prayer for our President in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.
Finally, according to Russell Moore, ” You should pray for Donald Trump no matter how you voted“.