All you need to know about the Kingdom of God

How To Enter The Kingdom of Heaven?

There are many preachings and teachings about the Kingdom of God, but not much is said about how to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Welcome Students of the Word. It's a privilege from the Lord to be able to do this Bible study and I want to thank you for joining. Today, I'm going on a different trajectory. From this day forward, my focus will be on teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. That was Jesus's entire Focus for his ministry and I've decided to adopt it too. Today specifically we are going to look at how to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Later on, I'll look at different aspects of it but I'm starting with this for a reason. Entering the kingdom of heaven.

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What Many Christians Need to Know About the Kingdom of Heaven!

The debate between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven has been ongoing for ages. Some say both these kingdoms are different, whereas others say they’re one and the same. The term ‘Kingdom of God’ can be seen up to 68 times in the New Testament, whereas the term ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is seen around 32 times and is exclusively found in the book of Matthew.

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