What Are the Steps to Salvation?  

In one breath, many Christians claim that there are no steps to Salvation, yet in the next intake of oxygen, they vociferously proclaim that believing on Jesus Christ is the first step to Salvation. Which is it? Are there steps to salvation or not? Are the steps identical to the way of salvation? But allow me the latitude to share this open secret with you. In this life, we are confronted with steps in everything that we do and steps to salvation are not different. In this Bible study, I will answer two main questions. First, what are the steps to salvation according to the Bible, and second, could demons be saved? This means that if you follow the steps in this Bible study, at the end of it, you could be saved.

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What Is The Way of Salvation?

What Are The Ways of Salvation? On the other hand, when you are on the way of salvation you have already found Christ as your Savior. You are already saved. There are not many ways of salvation. Similarly, there are not many ways to salvation. There is just one way, that is ‘the way’ and we know that Jesus Christ is ‘the way, the truth and the life’; he is the only way to salvation.  Nevertheless, above, when Luke says the way of salvation, in this instance, he was not directly talking about Jesus Christ.


Salvation According to the Law? 

Salvation Through The Law Salvation according to the law.  Could we be beneficiaries of salvation according to the law and enjoy salvation by faith in Jesus Christ simultaneously?  Do these…

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How To Be Born Again?

Welcome to my blog. I'm all pumped up and ready to go. I have a very exciting topic I want to discuss with you today, How to be born again?…

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Ye Must be Born Again

My name is Leroy Daley and today I will be doing a Bible study on the born again experience. I pursue Bible studies that are not driven by opinions, but I utilize scriptures to explicate scriptures. First, I'm going to look at what born again is not, then what born again is; finally, I’m going to give you a bonus and then wrap this all up. Born again is not a phrase used by Protestants to describe gaining faith in Jesus Christ. It is not! It is entirely not true and is also not a phrase applied to people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Redeemer and Savior. Again this is not true. This is just not the case. Next, we cannot say a prayer and be born again. We cannot say any prayer and be reborn. That is not scriptural; it's not in the Bible.

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