Re-Baptism Is It Necessary And How Many Times Should I Be Baptized?

How Many Times Should Baptism Occur? Nevertheless, are these valid and scriptural reasons for re-baptism? However, observe that all the people who John the Baptist baptized—with the exception of Jesus Christ—were re-baptized by either Jesus or his disciples (Acts 19:1-5). Similarly, all the people who John baptized were later re-baptized according to the instructions of Jesus Christ.


Is Water Baptism by Immersion Important to You as a Christian?

If someone were to ask you whether or not water baptism by immersion is important to you, what would be your answer? If yes were your response, why? Why would water baptism by immersion be important to you as a Believer in Jesus Christ? However, as you ponder on that question, in my mind’s-eye I’m traveling through the Bible and I realize that types and “shadows” and many metaphors of baptism litter the Bible. Nevertheless, water baptism by immersion has been a fundamental doctrine of Jesus Christ and His Church, (Hebrews 6:2).


When Should Water Baptism Takes Place?

Updated:- 2023-10-31 Deciding When Should Water Baptism Happen Is there any biblical guidance as to when should water baptism occur for a person? Should a new convert attend classes before…

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Baptism With The Holy Ghost Is It Real?

Updated:- Monday, November 6th, 2023 Baptism With the Holy Ghost a Promise The baptism with the Holy Ghost is nothing new. Centuries before the Church started the Lord God promised…

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Filled With the Holy Ghost Vs. Full of the Holy Ghost

What Does It Mean to be Filled With the Holy Spirit? The Holy Bible uses two different terms to explain an identical state, for, it utilizes filled with the Holy Ghost and full of the Holy Ghost to explain the condition of a Believer being pregnant with the Holy Spirit. Both these terms refer to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. But, why, in each case, “filled” is in the past tense? The biblical answer will surprise you. Join me as I explore Scriptures.

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I’m Ready to be Baptized to the Right Church

Therefore, to sum this up, if you believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you have identified a unit of people who teaches and practices the principles of Jesus Christ and his Twelve Leaders, then you are ready to be baptized and you have also identified the body of Christ.

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