At the Apostles’ Feet – Would You Place Your Money There?

Would you sell your only real estate for US$150, 000 and place the total sale price at the apostles’ feet, or in your case, at the feet of your pastor? Read on and I will explain why these brethren did a similar thing and what it means for Christians today! What was happening amongst all these Believers that was motivating them to sell their real estate holdings and give the total proceeds to the Church? Now, don’t confuse this with tithing! This wasn’t their way of tithing! However, as a result of this unprecedented move by these Christians, there was no one amongst them that lacked anything.

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The Circuit of Paul's Second Missionary Trip

Paul’s Second Missionary Journey – What Motivated it?

Therefore, picking up from where we left off the last time, today we will continue our Book of Acts Bible Study. Our main reference for today comes from Acts 15:30-41. This passage describes what caused Apostle Paul’s Second Missionary Journey.

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They Received the Word of God With All Readiness of Mind

Importance of Our Attitudes to the Word of God

The brethren in Thessalonica had different attitudes to the Word of God from those in Berea. And they differentiated them in a remarkable manner.

In summary, our attitudes toward the word of God are important. They determine whether or not we access and enjoy our redemption that Jesus Christ purchased.

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He Who Destroyed Them Who Called on Jesus Christ

Today, I shall explore how he who destroyed them who called on Jesus Christ is now preaching that which he opposed and destroyed!  Would you easily accept as a friend a person who you know has destroyed some of your friends?  This was Saul of Tarsus' predicament when he returned to Jerusalem first as a Christian.  Today I'm going to investigate how God could turn our enemies into our friends. If this is your first time here, hi I am Leroy, I hope this will be time well spent.  I am traversing the Book of Acts through weekly Bible study.  Now, I am at Acts 9:20-31.  In the last Bible study, I explored Ananias’ encounter with the Lord and Saul's meeting with him.   I showed what Ananias did and how it affected Saul and how his behavior chan

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Why Is There Persecution Against The Church?

As a Christian, have you ever been persecuted for your beliefs in Jesus Christ? What is persecution against the church and why does it happen? These are some of the questions that I will answer in this Bible study. So, when we talk about persecution against the Church, what are we talking about? Persecution against the Church takes on various forms, but irrespective of how it materializes it always possesses a unique feature and objective. Thus, persecution against the church is any law or action that intends to harm, hurt, oppress or restrict its operation in some way. That’s what I mean by oppression against the Church.

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What Did Stephen Preach About Jesus Christ?

As a result, this too was the only significant thing that Stephen preach about Jesus Christ.  However, he made a heart-wrenching comparison between the Jews' attitude to Moses and their behavior toward Jesus Christ.  In his last sermon, Deacon Stephen accused the Jews of betraying and murdering the Just One, who is, Jesus Christ, instead of listening and obeying him as Moses advised them.  Before, their forefather had rejected and refused Moses as a leader and a deliverer over them. Finally, as Stephen preach about Jesus Christ, what infuriated the Jews the most? Was it his declaration that he was having a vision of heaven and of Jesus Christ? Or, was it because of their guilty consciences? They stone him to death for this!

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The Day of Pentecost  –  the Day Your Status Changed

What happened on the Day of Pentecost? So many things changed, but I want to focus on the variance of our status. Therefore, we must investigate some prophecies and their fulfillment surrounding the Day of Pentecost. First, the Prophet Joel foretells Pentecost.

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