Ash Wednesday – What Does the Bible Say About It?

There are many religious practices that many so-called Christians perpetuate that are not biblical, Easter and Ash Wednesday are two such.

Here are three things about Ash Wednesday that we need to know. It’s not biblical; it’s not a day of repentance and Jesus never mentioned it.

It's a great and grave deception that Ash Wednesday "is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting."

Which Bible character observe it? Which Scriptures show this? And why didn't Jesus observe Ash Wednesday?


Have You Had an Encounter With Jesus?

Saul on route to Damascus had an encounter with Jesus which changed his life from that point onwards. As we examine Saul’s personal encounters with Jesus three things will stand out.  First, he saw Jesus; he spoke with him; then he preached in his name.

However, even though Saul had an experience with Jesus the disciples in Jerusalem were still afraid of him. His reputation as a persecutor, and imprisoner of Christians preceded him.

Your personal encounter with Jesus will change you so much that people will start to note the change. Your speech will change. Now you will commence to talk about him. The identical thing happened to Saul.

And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him,” (Acts 9:29).


Who Is The Leviathan In The Bible?

Updated:- Friday, November 3rd, 2023 What Is The Leviathan? Many Christians, pastors, Believers, avid Bible students, Bible readers, and theologians all desire to know about the Leviathan in the Bible.…

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Why Christians Fast – Is Fasting Ceremonial or Necessary?

The Bible does not issue any direct commandment to Christians to fast. There is none in the Old Testament, nor any in the New Testament. Similarly, neither Jesus Christ nor his twelve leaders, the Apostles, gave any explicit directives to Christians to fast. So, is fasting ceremonial or is it necessary? Below you will find a list of reasons why Christians fast.

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Is Christian Fasting Dead?

Today, I will employ seven steps to describe how to do a Christian fast. These are biblical activities that we should execute as we undertake Christian fasting. Many Believers do more damage to themselves breaking the fasting than at any other time. For this reason, learning how to do a Christian fast correctly is crucial to your physical and spiritual health. Successful Christian fasting is different from all other forms of fasting. It differs in perspective, activities, fast duration, fasting goals, purpose, and result. Therefore, when I talk about fasting, I’m referring to Christian fasting or biblical fasting. The name itself is somewhat of a misnomer. Its practices and procedures actually have their origins in Judaism. No surprise here, for Jews started Christianity. Moreover, it revolves around a Jewish leader, Jesus Christ.