What Are The Effects of Repentance?
Updated:- Saturday, November 4th, 2023 The Many Benefits of Repentance I have recently examined the causes of repentance, so, today, I shall investigate the effects of repentance. There are many…
Updated:- Saturday, November 4th, 2023 The Many Benefits of Repentance I have recently examined the causes of repentance, so, today, I shall investigate the effects of repentance. There are many…
The rejection of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a light thing. It has grave consequences and far-reaching effects. Therefore, let’s examine what it means to refuse the Lord Jesus Christ, or reject the Gospel, or the Word of God. These are all synonyms for rejecting the Lord God. Then, let’s pursue a few of its consequences.
The Good Friday Burial of Jesus Christ - According To Luke The burial of Jesus Christ is unique. It’s different on a number of diverse fronts. But mainly where,…
You will not find the phrase, a prayer of supplication in the Holy Bible. However, before we dive right into this let’s examine the definition for a prayer of supplication. Then, today, let’s examine the differences between a prayer of supplication and just making a petition to the Lord God Almighty.
We often read of Apostle Paul’s First Missionary Journey, but this description is incomplete. It fails to mention that his first missionary trip consisted of at least two other disciples of Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians often overlook the importance of Paul's first missionary excursion. But under close examination, it shows that God is just and that He’s a God of the Gentiles too. It also marks the change in name of Saul, his promotion, his call to ministry, and his answer and obedience to the Holy Ghost. Finally, it indicates the introduction of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles.
What is the Difference Between Faith and The Gift of Faith? In the past weeks, I’ve been teaching on spiritual gifts. Today, I will continue this trend because I will look at the gift of faith. This faith is different from the faith needed to receive salvation; the faith we utilize to believe in Jesus Christ; because we must be saved to receive this faith. This faith is for born-again Believers. If you stick with me to the end, I have a bonus just for you. So let’s dive right into it.
“If you don’t believe that the Church is the Bride of Christ then you can’t teach for me” he informed me looking down at his large mahogany desk. As soon as I heard that reprimand, I knew that I had to teach people globally the truth of the Word of God. This is an excerpt from an actual conversation that happened more than ten years ago. And out of that conversation, this website was born! This Guide on the Bride of Christ will answer all your important questions.
Since there is no direct commandment from the Lord Jesus Christ concerning, how to lay hands on a person to bless, we must learn the Doctrine of Laying on of Hands from biblical examples. Jacob, Joseph’s father, was one of the first persons, in the Scriptures, to demonstrate how to lay hands on someone. He blessed the two sons of Joseph, Manasseh, and Ephraim. Therefore, let’s learn from him how to lay hands on someone to bless him.
There are many religious practices that many so-called Christians perpetuate that are not biblical, Easter and Ash Wednesday are two such.
Here are three things about Ash Wednesday that we need to know. It’s not biblical; it’s not a day of repentance and Jesus never mentioned it.
It's a great and grave deception that Ash Wednesday "is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting."
Which Bible character observe it? Which Scriptures show this? And why didn't Jesus observe Ash Wednesday?
What Is The Meaning of The Resurrection of Jesus? Jesus is alive. He’s risen. All the Scriptures of the four Gospels of Jesus Christ point to one thing. However, before…