Receiving The Holy Ghost Through The Laying on of Hands – a Thing of The Past?

The Doctrine of laying on of hands has extensive applications in the Church. One of which is the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Ghost.

It’s a common practice to lay hands in churches. We lay hands to bless, in ordination, the dedication of a baby, "healing services", to pray and so on.

Even the routine of laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit is commonplace.


See How Easily You Can Repent and do These Three Things

Updated:2023-05-31 We Must Repent And Do Something! To repent is never an act in isolation by itself. Therefore, it’s never repent and it’s done. We must repent then do something…

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What Could The Footprints Prayer Teach Christians?

The Footprints Prayer uses the metaphor of footprints in the sand to depict the journey of life and our relationship with God. It conveys the idea that during our most challenging and difficult times, even though we may feel alone or overwhelmed, God is actually carrying us and providing support and strength.

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What Is a Prayer of Intercession?

A prayer of intercession happens when one party or person prays exclusively to the Lord God for another party or person concerning some particular state or action. It’s an exclusive prayer to God on the behalf of someone or a nation. Therefore, it goes well beyond just praying to the Lord God on behalf of another.